Topic on Talk:Poison and Pain setting/Ignore Resistance PP

From Another Eden Wiki

We should not call it "guaranteed" anymore

Summary by OpenStars

Mostly resolved, except non-administrators can do nothing about Bamiji's old usage of it - ofc written back when it was more true than nowadays with barriers, but expect this issue to continue to crop up in the future again and again as technical debt.

OpenStars (talkcontribs)

Not just here, but all across the site, the use of "guaranteed" is somewhat misleading due to now status resistance stacks.

Ignore resistance is another matter, as there is enemy innate resistance on top of Status Immunity barriers, so e.g. Barrier Piercing can cut through the latter yet does not *also* cut through the former at the same time.

The latter can be explained here on this page, but the former should be done by an administrator with large-scale editing of skill text to avoid the word "guaranteed", imho.

Voiddp (talkcontribs)

It was never called guaranteed across all site. It is and always was - ignore resistance, the same as in-game, which is self-exlanatory: it ignores resistance... no more no less.

OpenStars (talkcontribs)

I see at least 80 skill descriptions matching the word "guaranteed", like here is one example that Bamiji added over two years ago for m!AS Isuka's All Equal skill on Feb. 25 2021. Edit: I just noticed that Bamiji also uses it on the wiki tier list & Evaluations/Ratings pages OFTEN - e.g. ES Tsukiha:

>If present in the frontline at battle starts, inflicts 5-turn guaranteed Pain on all enemies.

On (the predecessor to) this page, Vivilerie was the first one to add that language, though in fairness my original 2 categories were "ignore enemy resistance" vs. "not guaranteed", which while technically correct did set the stage to take it that one step further to the more ambiguous version, which is why I am now advocating that we avoid using the word entirely in skill texts even in the negative sense. Because as you said: it ignores resistance, but it does not ignore barriers, nor those particular enemies who can never be afflicted with it, plus when not a fixed turn, it can be cured in the next turn, so it is not "guaranteed" aka "assured" at all.

Voiddp (talkcontribs)

"Not guaranteed" delivers its meaning. Nothing to make global fixes here. Global pointless changes are pointless

Ignore res should be used for statuses where it ignores res. 100% rate should be used for debuffs. Can just go and fix in lone skills that you will find if you are so bothered. These guidelines for skills are followed for years already by default.

Also just check your own search for word guaranteed and with what its mostly used. 80 skill descriptions right... and 60 of them about critical hits... There isn't global problem needs fixing or raising as global issue.

OpenStars (talkcontribs)

Without administrator permissions I cannot (nor want to) fix the text in places such as ES Tsukiha's Evaluating/Ratings where it says:

> If present in the frontline at battle starts, inflicts 5-turn guaranteed Pain on all enemies.

This is not a (stat) debuff - this is a status ailment - and it says guaranteed in the positive sense, not negative as in "not guaranteed". Bamiji or an administrator will have to deal with this, or else it becomes yet another reason why people do not use those blurbs. I will drop that issue now b/c I can go no further there, and leave it with you to decide what to do. I will work to remove the "guaranteed" language from *this* page.