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Migleina Continent - Future Locations[edit]

Migleina Continent - Future Locations
Name Chapter Introduction Area Type
Elzion Airport Chapter 4 Field
Elzion Chapter 4 Settlement
Elzion Gamma District Chapter 4 SettlementThe commercial district and location of the blacksmith Ishar's.
Elzion Theta District Chapter 4 SettlementThe residential district and location of the Xeno Prisma generator.
Elzion Iota District Episode Lost Tome Chapter 1 SettlementA restricted district where Seekers go to auction off treasure and the wealthy go to buy them.
Elzion Elipson District Not AccessableSettlementA district where many celebrities reside.
Elzion Sigma District Dressed in Fame I Settlement A district for experimentation using Virtual Reality. Officially this district was shut down 10 years ago.
Route 99 Chapter 4 Field An abandoned and stormy route leading to the Industrial Ruins.
Industrial Ruins Chapter 4 Field An abandoned facility that is now used as a base by Synth Humans.
Fraxinus Labs Crown of the Pale Dawn Chapter 2 Field
Cargo Port Dressed in Fame I Settlement
Sigma Tower Dressed in Fame I Field
Xeno-Domain Chapter 15 Field A laboratory located high above Elzion, this building is where Professor Chronos conducted his research. Despite being restricted to the public, the Xeno-Domain is frequently visited by some of Aldo's allies.
Corridor of Time Layers Chapter 17 Field (Spacetime Rift Record)
Last Island Chapter 20 Settlement The location of the last clear ocean in Migleina. Some people have set up homes on the sandy beach that covers much of island.
Laula Dome Chapter 20 Settlement A quiet island where people continue to grow food naturally.
The Riftbreaker Chapter 20 Field (Spacetime Rift Record)
Garden Island Special: Foreign Skies and the Ship to Freedom Settlement & Field
Nilva Chapter 21 Settlement A floating city where floating walkways replace a lack of ground.
Sebastia's Lab Chapter 25 Settlement
Spurr-ace Colony Dance the Paw-Rondo! Cat Area
Macminal Museum Chapter 37 Field A museum located in Nilva. It contains treasures and artifacts from throughout the ages, but is incredibly dangerous to navigate due to monsters that have been released in the building.
Haunted Chateau Chapter 38 Field
Toto Dreamland Chapter 38 Field
Frontier Dome Not AccessableSettlement A floating settlement which fell from the sky due to a faulty Xeno Prisma generator.
See also: Renri
KMS City The Apex of Logic and Cardinal Scales Chapter 3 Settlement
Former KMS HQ Episode Azure Rebel Chapter 2 Field
Tree of Eternity Episode Azure Rebel Chapter 4 Settlement
Sapient Complex: Midnight The Apex of Logic and Cardinal Scales Chapter 4 Field (Spacetime Rift Record)
Sapient Complex: Twilight The Apex of Logic and Cardinal Scales Chapter 5 Field (Spacetime Rift Record)
Iscariot The Apex of Logic and Cardinal Scales Chapter 7 Field