Topic on Template talk:CharacterFiltersV1Old

From Another Eden Wiki

Stat Buff (PWR, INT, SPD) Filter includes character without those buff roles

Jamrocksojen (talkcontribs)

Eg. Flammelapis and Mistrare AS

My guess the CharacterFilters is reads PwrDebuff IntDebuff SpdDebuff roles as BuffPwr BuffInt BuffSpd roles respectively.

Voiddp (talkcontribs)

Yeah this should be the case. Filters just search for string BuffPwr will be detected in any combos like VC_BuffPwr or same case for DeBuffPwr.

Which are role names now for debuffs.

Will run awb tomorrow to change all DebuffStat > StatDebuff on char pages, then it won't be finding StatBuff string inside statdebuff phrase

Jamrocksojen (talkcontribs)

This problem also applies to Barrier and BarrierPierce role filters.

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