Thunder Toothpick

From Another Eden Wiki

The Thunder Toothpick is a key item necessary to make the superboss Melancholy Aspid not null to all damage types.

How to Get[edit]

The Thunder Toothpick is assembled through a series of tasks given to you by Hassel in present-era Erythule.

You must first have the Super Alloy Arm to let Korobo clear large piles of rubble. Defeat Disposer Glutton to obtain this part.

  1. Check recorder on top right of Mineral Bay
  2. Talk to Lady on Dierkuul Island near recorder, get Cat’s-Eye
  3. Travel to center of map by ship, with the cat rocks, tap on the rocks to insert eye and unlock Seafloor Cave
  4. Travel all the way to the back and see the Aspid cutscene.
  5. Go across the Hollow Time Layer and listen to all sixteen voice logs and retrieve all five Tesla Cores.
  6. Complete the Iron Pride and Determination sidequest to get Mordy as a sidekick. You will also get the Aquatic Jet Screw in the process to let Korobo dive deep.
  7. Talk to Hassel in the northmost building in present-era Erythule.
  8. Collect Chain Grub Husk in Waning Forest lower right
  9. Buy Crystalline Tree Branch in Erythule blacksmith store
  10. Get the Map to the Transport Ship in Lernica upper right house
  11. Expend one Solid Fuel to salvage Vitrified Shell Glass from the transport ship south of Lashval
  12. Go back to Hassel and turn in each of the key items, including the Tesla Core Alpha from Mordy's sidequest, to get the Thunder Toothpick