Lord of Mana/Bugs

From Another Eden Wiki

As a playtester, you are also tasked with finding bugs to report to Fukahire. These are little clusters of pixels floating in the game world. Once you have discovered and reported 30 bugs, Fukahire becomes available as a Lord of Mana party member.


Bug count Reward
1 Infrared Sensor
5 Solar Panel
10 Water Proof Sensor
15 Network Chip
20 Speed Sensor
25 Solar Board
30 202000005 icon.pngDry Bow x1


Maps with all Bugs credits to @Light#2146 from AE Discord

If you've only cleared up to Chapter 3, you will only be able to find 25 bugs. After clearing Chapter 4, you will be able to find the remaining 5 bugs in the Chamber and the Tower of Bone.