
From Another Eden Wiki


Introduction Dialog[edit]

My Name is Krervo. For what it’s worth, I’m a researcher. Not a great one, though. I’ve heard you’re on the move a lot, seeing lots of different places. Oh, don’t be so on edge. We can help each other out, don’t you think?

Character Traits[edit]

A researcher a part of "Natural", a non-profit formed by scientists devoted to the decontamination of the surface and the regeneration of nature.

Other Info[edit]


Character Quest 1[edit]

Old Company’s Operations

A surveyor hasn’t returned from Route 99. This has something to do with one of Krervo’s acquaintances.

In Elzion’s Gamma district, a man worriedly paces back and forth outside the tavern. Krervo recognizes him. He introduces the man to Aldo as the head technician at KMS. The technician explains that a surveyor had left to Route 99 and received no word from him. Krervo is suspicious. He believes that the technician is hiding something from him. Regardless, Krervo offers to help. Quest accepted!

In Route 99, Krervo and Aldo find the surveyor with his research stolen by Synth Humans. It details the construction of Route 99. Krervo asks what the research is for, only to be met with silence. He sends the researcher back to Elzion, and soon they encounter a Synth Human. Krervo fails to retrieve the research peacefully, and a battle begins. The two return the stolen research to the technician.

Krervo confronts the technician, claiming that KMS plans to separate Route 99 from Elzion and to build a base on its surface. Krervo believes that there’s something there that KMS is interested in. Nevertheless, the job is done and the technician pays Krervo for his silence.

After the technician leaves, Aldo asks Krervo about his history with KMS. Despite his coldness towards the company, he is thankful for the experience they had given him.

Character Quest 2[edit]

More Valuable than Gold...

Krervo’s Researcher friend has obtained a highly valuable sample. It has some connection to Krervo himself...

In Elzion, Krervo is messaged by a researcher friend asking for help. They’ve requested to meet at Elzion’s tavern.

Krervo and the researcher exchange pleasantries, mentioning their previous work in Laula Dome. The two are part of a group called “Natural,” a group of scientists researching how to bring back and conserve nature. The researcher has acquired “the treasure.” It is important to a research project she was working on. She wants Krervo to help retrieve it. A man eavesdrops nearby, then leaves. Krervo watches him go. Soon after, he explains to Aldo that “the treasure” is a collection of soil, water, and plant samples from all over the world.

At the airport, the Researcher discovers that the samples were stolen and the three split up to find the culprit. Aldo and Krervo find a person of interest. Krervo recognizes the man, and after a battle, they return the samples to the researcher. Krervo and her give their regards and part ways.