Template:Quest infobox/doc

From Another Eden Wiki
Template-info.png Documentation


Infobox to be used on quest pages

Storing data in cargo from /SubPages is dissabled.


{{Quest infobox
|name=Quest Name
|level=Quest Level 
|type=Story, Side, Character
|character=For Character type quests: List the character.
|requirements=Must complete X, Must be level 30, must have X character, ect.
|nextQuest=Next quest if quest is in a series(Ex: Story quests)
|prevQuest=Previous quest if quest is in a series(Ex: Character quests)
|summary=All the juicy details of this quest.
|startLocation= Where the the start point is.
|releaseDate=When was this released to the Global version of Another Eden.
|steps=quest steps described in list.
|sideStoryName=Name of side story