Tales from the East. Return of the Goddess of Time. Volume 2/Chapter 60

From Another Eden Wiki
Words from Bygone Days: Book of the Time Dream
Suggested Level 77

Cleared Chapter 59

Start Location ???
Gem.png x100Copper Rank Badge.png


Aldo and his friends pursue Gonjuro who possesses Himika's Mirror. In the process they defeat the Dogu King in the Funeral Cavern of the dogu. Not wanting to lose the mirror, Gonjuro flees to the Ship Graveyard. There he uses the power of the mirror to turn into a fearsome sea monster. He regains control of himself after Aldo defeats Gonjuro's monstrous form, but as soon as they seem to have victory, the mirror opens a tear in time and space swallowing the party.


  • The mirror opens a tear in spacetime and sucks up the party and sends them to the future.
    • You are unable to change maps for a time at this point.
  • Explore the new area, until you reach the ruined Chapel and Angal Settlement.
    • You gain quick travel between both continents in the Future era.
  • Follow Kikyo out the east exit and into the building.
  • Head out the west exit and search for the cat.
  • Follow the cat further into the Wasteland. Head north to open a passageway, and keep going north to the Cat Shrine Remnants.
  • Altena joins your roster after the ensuing cutscene.
  • Return to the ruined Chapel.
  • Turn back to the south road of Angal Settlement.
  • Pursue the Imp Clan into the Contaminated Pit, just past the Wasteland.
  • Boss battle with Hungry Hungry Zorme.
    • Hungry Hungry Zorme will start alongside
      three other imps Selected from Crazy Imps, Heavy Imps, and Shovel Imps
      on the battlefield.
    • Hungry Hungry Zorme nullifies all damage while he has three minions on the battlefield. His resistances will decrease as the mob is cleared out.
    • He has 50% HP stopper.
    • His defeat yields a T3 "MP Recovery (Fists)" Grasta.
  • Return to Angal Settlement to negotiate.