View table: TimelineNodes

From Another Eden Wiki

Table structure:

  1. description - Wikitext
  2. region - String
  3. year - Integer
  4. sort_order - Integer

This table has 92 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page description region year sort order
Timeline (edit)

An unknown volume of The Flower Girl is written.

Migleina -999,999 42
Timeline (edit)

Vol. 13 of The Flower Girl is written.

Migleina -999,999 28
Timeline (edit)

Vol. 19 of The Flower Girl is written.

Migleina -999,999 46
Timeline (edit)

Vol. 4 of The Flower Girl is written.

Migleina -999,999 27
Timeline (edit)

The Shadow Country is written by an unnamed traveler.

Migleina -999,999 73
Timeline (edit)

A lab of the Sapient Complex burns down.

Migleina -999,999 84
Timeline (edit)

A vortex of order and chaos emerges into the world, bringing with it the mother goddess and the dark god, who soon begin to fight.

Spacetime -999,999 2
Timeline (edit)

Acteul is founded.

Migleina -20,300 26
Timeline (edit)

Angal Settlement is founded.

Garulea -999,999 78
Timeline (edit)

Another period of Ogre Rancorem possessing some wielder(s), after Flammelapis death

Migleina -999,999 60
Timeline (edit)

At his deathbed Thunder King stuck Ogre Rancorem into the roots of The World Tree

Migleina -999,999 50
Timeline (edit)

Atlantica is founded.

Zerberiya -999,999 20
Timeline (edit)

Dogma Tower is built to slow desertification caused by the Tree of Woe.

Migleina -999,999 59
Timeline (edit)

Elzion is founded.

Migleina 1,000 79
Timeline (edit)

Elzion's Industrial District is destroyed.

Migleina -999,999 90
Timeline (edit)

First magic sealing sheath of the Ogre Rancorem worns out. Second better magic sealing sheath had to be created by Titans in Pador in 20000 BC with help of time travel

Migleina -700 57
Timeline (edit)

Fishfolk disappear from the oceans of Migleina.

Migleina -999,999 23
Timeline (edit)

Five artificial spirits are created by the Winged People but are soon discarded on the Blue Planet.

Zerberiya -999,999 12
Timeline (edit)

Flammelapis timeline: she guards Ogre Rancorem and travels around the world with it.

Migleina -700 56
Timeline (edit)

Humans and Synth Humans go to war with each other.

Migleina 1,090 89
Timeline (edit)

In the beginning there only existed Zurvan, the ocean of time, and from it the river of time begins to flow...

Spacetime -999,999 1
Timeline (edit)

Jarvis is murdered and the Asphodelus is lost.

Migleina 600 69
Timeline (edit)

Jarvis's mind is linked in Iscariot and founds Cardinal Vestige.

Migleina 600 70
Timeline (edit)

Kelkale is destroyed by neighboring kingdoms due to possessing highly advanced technology.

Migleina -999,999 75
Timeline (edit)

KMS creates the Sapient Complex.

Migleina -999,999 82
Timeline (edit)

Lab 2 (Project Eugenes) of the Sapient Complex is destroyed.

Migleina -999,999 83
Timeline (edit)

Lab 6 of the Sapient Complex is destroyed.

Migleina -999,999 88
Timeline (edit)

Magnolia is wiped from existence by the power of The Shiny People.

Migleina -999,999 76
Timeline (edit)

Mare Marginis splits the Crimson Vastsea in two.

Zerberiya -999,999 19
Timeline (edit)

Melina's squad is attacked by an Eclipser and mostly wiped out.

Zerberiya -20,003 34
Timeline (edit)

Mikaleff creates Ragna Prisma and founds the predecessor to KMS.

Migleina -999,999 71
Timeline (edit)

Ogre Rancorem was taken out by some human, then came period of it possessing some number of human wielders, running amok through a countryside, razing villages...

Migleina -999,999 52
Timeline (edit)

Poseidon is exiled from Zerberiya and takes over the Dragon Palace as the 29th Otohime.

Zerberiya -20,010 32
Timeline (edit)

Prisma is discovered

Migleina 0 61
Timeline (edit)

Professor Chronos and his family go missing.

Migleina 1,084 86
Timeline (edit)

Professor Chronos perform cybernetic surgery on Rindo after he lost half his body to an accident.

Garulea 1,083 85
Timeline (edit)

Rindo and Kikyo settle in Angal Settlement

Garulea 1,084 87
Timeline (edit)

Rindo was captured by KMS. KMS broadcast faked footage of the execution of Rindo.

Garulea 1,094 91
Timeline (edit)

Rising surface pollution forces people to research and develop floating islands.

Migleina -999,999 74
Timeline (edit)

Sinus Iridum is sealed at the top of the Crystalline Tower.

Zerberiya -999,999 18
Timeline (edit)

Small titan survivor from village that was consumed by Dark God's curse, joined humans to move to Miglena continent

Garulea -20,000 36
Timeline (edit)

Sword motifs are integrated into Migleinan culture.

Zerberiya -999,999 40
Timeline (edit)

The Great Timequake turns a group of humans into neo-humans, who go on to form the Chrono Clan.

Migleina 1,100 92
Timeline (edit)

The Ogre Wars begin.

Migleina -999,999 48
Timeline (edit)

The Regalian Empire, Federation of Gilnemia, and the Empire of Schnaud are founded after the creation of the Stifling Song.

Zerberiya -999,999 9
Timeline (edit)

The 18 volumes of The Flower Girl are rewritten as The Shiny People.

Migleina -999,999 43
Timeline (edit)

The Abyss, a.k.a. Oceanus Procellarum, is sent to the Blue Planet after Winged People fail to kill it.

Zerberiya -999,999 11
Timeline (edit)

The Asphodelus is discovered by Jarvis.

Migleina 600 68
Timeline (edit)

The Beast King is defeated at Miglance Castle.

Migleina 300 67
Timeline (edit)

The Charol Plains turn into a lush forest.

Migleina -999,999 44
Timeline (edit)

The civilization of Winged People on the moon is destroyed by Uranus Menas.

Zerberiya -20,008 33
Timeline (edit)

The climate of northern Garulea becomes colder as a result of Prisma distribution.

Garulea -999,999 45
Timeline (edit)

The dark god exerts chaotic influence on the moon.

Spacetime -999,999 4
Timeline (edit)

The dark god is resealed, but not before placing a curse on the titans.

Garulea -120,000 7
Timeline (edit)

The dark god re-emerges after its seal weakens and is challenged by titans, the dragon god, prehistoric spirits, and other warriors against darkness.

Garulea -120,000 5
Timeline (edit)

The Dragon Palace is founded.

Migleina -21,000 24
Timeline (edit)

The Eight Spirits are sealed.

Garulea -999,999 30
Timeline (edit)

The first Beasts come into existence.

Migleina -999,999 38
Timeline (edit)

The first dark apple appears.

Migleina 1,070 81
Timeline (edit)

The first dogu are created in Gadaro.

Garulea -999,999 29
Timeline (edit)

The first islands are permanently levitated into the sky.

Migleina 900 77
Timeline (edit)

The Four Great Elementals sacrifice themselves during the Great Timequake, shattering into Prisma fragments.

Migleina -20,000 35
Timeline (edit)

The kingdom of Miglance is established, marking the start of the Early Miglance period.

Migleina 0 62
Timeline (edit)

The Land of Shin and the Land of Mi ally to destroy the Land of Ro.

Garulea 297 66
Timeline (edit)

The Lands of Mi, Shin, and Ro unify and establish Eeza.

Garulea -999,999 80
Timeline (edit)

The Mayor's adventure team is disbanded.

Migleina -999,999 64
Timeline (edit)

The moon is cratered with various elemental spirits from space.

Zerberiya -999,999 8
Timeline (edit)

The mother goddess eventually defeats the dark god, who is sealed away in the underworld, and the former enters a long slumber.

Spacetime -999,999 3
Timeline (edit)

The Ogre Clan is completely annihilated. Creation of Ogre Rancorem

Migleina -3,000 49
Timeline (edit)

The Ogre Clan is formed as the titan curse takes hold.

Migleina -999,999 47
Timeline (edit)

The Ogre Rancorem periodic cleansing rituals are happening at the roots of World Tree. The World Tree is slowly weakening from accumulating miasma, forest around it is slowly deserting and becomes desolated.

Migleina -999,999 54
Timeline (edit)

The Order of the West is founded by thirteen Winged People as part of the Paradise Plan.

Zerberiya -999,999 17
Timeline (edit)

The Paradise Plan is abandoned.

Zerberiya -999,999 21
Timeline (edit)

The Sacred Sword Palsifal is forged by the titans.

Garulea -120,000 6
Timeline (edit)

The spirits of the underworld are discarded by the Winged People and sent to Zerberiya.

Zerberiya -999,999 16
Timeline (edit)

The three heroes Sir Parthasarheus, Melchiolus, and Casparius are buried in the Hero's Graveyard.

Migleina 227 63
Timeline (edit)

The three lunar countries agree on a ceasefire and work together to discover Xeno Element.

Zerberiya -999,999 13
Timeline (edit)

The village of Uruala is razed by Beasts.

Migleina -999,999 65
Timeline (edit)

The Winged People begin the Paradise Plan.

Zerberiya -999,999 15
Timeline (edit)

The Winged People use Stifling Chains to suppress the spirits of the underworld.

Zerberiya -999,999 10
Timeline (edit)

The Winged People's Village is founded.

Zerberiya -999,999 22
Timeline (edit)

The World Tree continuously negates Ogre Rancorem miasma and purifies it, this keeps Ogre Rancorem in it's "Light" version. Grave with Ogre Rancorem near is guarded by amnesiac ogre princess

Migleina -2,700 51
Timeline (edit)

The World Tree is planted.

Migleina -999,999 31
Timeline (edit)

The Xeno Element sparks a cold war between the three lunar kingdoms.

Zerberiya -999,999 14
Timeline (edit)

The Zerberian religion fades into obscurity.

Zerberiya -999,999 41
Timeline (edit)

Titan came to a possession of Ogre Rancorem and brought sword to the village near World Tree to purify it with the help of Priestess of High Virtue. First magic sealing sheath was created.

Migleina -999,999 53
Timeline (edit)

Titans with small human sized bodies, resistant to Dark God's curse begin to be born in titan villages

Garulea -999,999 25
Timeline (edit)

Village is founded near World Tree by garuleans and that titan survivor

Migleina -999,999 37
Timeline (edit)

Village near World Tree is destroyed by earthquake and Ogre Rancorem is taken by sole survivor Flammelapis - at around millenia ago from 300 BC

Migleina -700 55
Timeline (edit)

Wing motifs are integrated into Beast culture.

Zerberiya -999,999 39
Timeline (edit)

World Tree becomes known as the "Tree of Woe" with the Rucyana Sands area around it.

Migleina -999,999 58
Timeline (edit)

Xeno Prisma is discovered.

Migleina 700 72