View table: Effects

From Another Eden Wiki

Table structure:

  1. Image - Wikitext
  2. Name - String
  3. Description - Wikitext
  4. MinEffect - Integer
  5. MaxEffect - Integer
  6. MinDuration - String
  7. MaxDuration - String
  8. MinTarget - String
  9. MaxTarget - String
  10. MinCondition - Wikitext string
  11. MaxCondition - Wikitext string
  12. ActionType - String
  13. StackGroup - String
  14. StackCap - Integer
  15. Shortcut - String

This table has 6 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page Image Name Description MinEffect MaxEffect MinDuration MaxDuration MinTarget MaxTarget MinCondition MaxCondition ActionType StackGroup StackCap Shortcut
Template:Effects/Test buffs (edit)

Increase int.png

Intelligence buff


50 (3 turns) of all allies pwr 100 intFront50
Template:Effects/Test buffs (edit)

Increase int.png

Intelligence buff


100 (6 turns) of all allies

Water characters only

pwr 100 intFront100
Template:Effects/Test buffs (edit)

Increase pwr.png

Power buff


70 (3 turns) of user pwr 100 pwrSelf70
Template:Effects/Test buffs (edit)

Increase pwr.png

Power buff


100 (6 turns) of all allies

Water characters only

pwr 100 pwrFront100
Template:Effects/Test buffs (edit)

Increase spd.png

Speed buff


50 (3 turns) of all allies pwr 100 spdFront50
Template:Effects/Test buffs (edit)

Increase spd.png

Speed buff


100 (5 turns) of all allies

Water characters only

pwr 100 spdFront100