
From Another Eden Wiki

Dialogue with Audio

Story / Summon Cutscene

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
A pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Shion, a proud samurai from the east.
My lord has ordered me to join you in your endeavors. Please do not tell anyone about this arrangement.
Truth be told, I do not really excel in anything apart from swordplay. Will that be a problem?


English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio

Limit Break

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I shall clear a path!
Taste my blade!


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- Not available
- Not available


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Enemy Encounter

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Our adversaries have arrived!
Our battle begins now!

Enemy Encounter (Horror)

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This is where you fall!

Healing and Being Healed

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Be on your guard.
I thank you.

Finish Off an Enemy

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Meet your end!
Resign yourself!


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I perish... with no regrets.

Valor Chants

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I shall defend you on my honor!
We must press on!
Gaze upon my sword skills!


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I know not defeat!
Is everyone unharmed?

Close Win

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A razor-thin victory.

Dialogue without Audio


Before Summoning

English Transcription Japanese Transcription
No? All right, then.

...Would you like some sardines?

Who are you?

Sorry, I must have been mistaken.

I am but a humble traveling samurai. Nothing more, nothing less.




……いや なんでもない。

私か? 私は単なる旅のサムライだ。 それ以上でも 以下でもない。

After Summoning

English Transcription Japanese Transcription
...Oh, it's you.

I'll be training here when you don't need me. Rest easy, I won't let my skills go rusty.


同行していない時も 日々の鍛錬は 怠ってはおらん。 安心めされよ。

After Character Quest 1

English Transcription Japanese Transcription
Oh, it's you.

You remember that boy we helped out avenging his father?

He tracked me down and asked me to train him.

Can you imagine what kind of clumsy swordplay he'd pick up from a novice like me?

Needless to say, I turned him down.

He'll probably find a much better teacher among the elite knights of Unigan.


共に 父の仇討ちをした 少年がいただろう?

あの少年が稽古をつけてくれと 言ってきてな。

私のような不調法者に 刀を教わり 妙な癖がついては 少年の父上に 顔向けできん。

ゆえに 丁重に断らせてもらった。

それに ユニガンの騎士団は精鋭ゆえ 私などより 良い師に恵まれるであろう。

After Character Quest 2

English Transcription Japanese Transcription
Oh, it's you.

Do you recall I told you there was someone I would have to face in combat one day?


...Now is not the time to discuss this. Forget I brought it up.


時期が来れば 私は とある人物に 刃を向けねばならぬと 前に言ったな。


……いや 今話すべきことではないな。 忘れてくれ。

After Character Quest 3

English Transcription Japanese Transcription
Oh, it's you.

No matter the circumstances, I must always take the honorable path.

Without honor, I am nothing. That is the way of the samurai.

I'll fight alongside you anytime. I don't know if I'll be much help, but I'll give it my best effort.


いかな状況であれ 矜持にもとる ことはできん。

義が立たねば 生きてはいけぬ。 ……サムライとはそういう生き物だ。

……同行が必要であれば いつでも 声をかけてくれ。 私でよければ 力を貸そう。