Ogre Wars: Dirge of the Fated King and the Sacred Sword. Part 2/Chapter 41

From Another Eden Wiki
Ogres' Last Stand: The Deathly Colosseum
Down with the Barrier and out with the Ogres
Ogres' Last Stand: Rise of the Rancor of the Ogres
Suggested Level 65

Cleared Chapter 40

Start Location Ogres Spike
Gem.png x100Copper Rank Badge.png


The Ogre Key brought down the barrier; now it's time for the fightback! The siege towers move into position, and the Thunder Army and the Knights of Miglance begin to pour into Ogres Spike for the final battle.


  • Navigate to the end of Ogres Spike.
  • Boss fight with Hell Ogre, Death Ogre.
    • When either Ogre reaches 50% and 25% HP, they will perform a combination attack to heavily damage the party. These HP thresholds have stoppers for Another Force and cannot be skipped; defeating one of the ogres will disable the combination attack and remove the stoppers.
  • Proceed further into Ogres Spike, but don't forget to check the Munitions Zone to the left for a quick travel point and healing spot.
    • Caution: You will lose control of Aldo and be unable to switch maps in the next chapter.