Good Macky/Lore

From Another Eden Wiki


Character Traits[edit]

An excitable macky who seems to be friendly. Good Macky was found by Aldo in the forest next to Horai.

Other Info[edit]


Character Quest 1[edit]

A Little Happiness for a Little Friend

Aldo wonders how the monster from the forest is doing. He decides to pay a visit…

Aldo notices a monster following him in Macky Forest, but he doesn’t seem hostile and looks to want to become friends. Terry approaches them and wonders if he is bringing him into the village. He says that if Aldo thinks it is fine to do so he can and the Good Macky happily join Horai village.

Aldo checks in on the Good Macky and finds out that he gets along with everyone, but they all calls him with a different name: "Stumpy" by Marlowe, "Bababone" by Hilda, "Dusty Colin" by Rebecca, "Meat" by Terry, and "Julion" by Henry. Aldo suggests they settle for just one name and Marlowe suggests that Aldo names him, since he is the one who brought him to Horai.

Marlowe thus gathers everyone and Aldo decides to give him the name suggested by Mona: "Twiggy". Everyone is happy with his decision. Twiggy then follows Aldo out of the village to Macky Forest and Aldo tells him that it is dangerous. Twiggy insists, however, even showing his fighting skills off and asking for his parents’ permission, so Aldo is left with no choice but to let him tag along.