Deus Ex Rebuild

From Another Eden Wiki

Former KMS HQ - Palisade [1][2] [3]

Former KMS HQ - Palisade
Change.png to image to stats
Chance Encounter
Resistance.png Overrides:
  • Nullify
  • Absorb
  • Normal 

Skills: Deus Ex Rebuild (Chance Encounter)

HP Stopper at 66% and 33%
1 Divide
Skill Type 1 0.png Slash 
Null Slash AOE Attack + Inflict Pain to all enemies (1000 fixed damage)
2 El Makina
Skill Type 8 0.png Null 
Buff user's Strength, Intelligence, Type Resistance
3 Extract
Skill Type 2 0.png Pierce 
Null Pierce AOE Attack x4
4 El Makina
Skill Type 8 0.png Null 
Buff user'sStrength, Intelligence, Type Resistance
5 Extract
Skill Type 2 0.png Pierce 
Null Pierce AOE Attack x4
5 Divide
Skill Type 1 0.png Slash 
Null Slash AOE Attack + Inflict Pain to all enemies (1000 fixed damage)
1st HP Stopper The effect on Deus Ex Rebuild have been neutralized.
Skill Type 8 0.png Null 
Cleanse all buffs and debuff
1 Extract
Skill Type 2 0.png Pierce 
Null Pierce AOE Attack x4
2 Lars of Deus
Skill Type 8 0.png Null 
Null Magic AOE attack
3 Ciro Storm
Skill Type 8 1.png Fire 
Fire Magic AOE attack
4 El Makina
Skill Type 8 0.png Null 
Buff user'sStrength, Intelligence, Type Resistance
5 Divide
Skill Type 1 0.png Slash 
Null AOE Slash Attack + Inflict Pain to all enemies (1000 fixed damage)
6 Extract
Skill Type 2 0.png Pierce 
Null Pierce AOE Attack x4
7 Time Repair
Skill Type 8 0.png Null 
Cleanse all of user buffs and debuff and depletes enemy HP to 66%
2nd HP Stopper The effect on Deus Ex Rebuild have been neutralized.
Skill Type 8 0.png Null 
Cleanse all buffs and debuff
1 Divide
Skill Type 1 0.png Slash 
Null AOE Slash Attack + Inflict Pain to all enemies (1000 fixed damage)
2 HollowDeplete 35% HP of all enemies
3 Ciro Storm
Skill Type 8 1.png Fire 
Fire Magic AOE attack
4 Hollow x2Deplete 35% HP of all enemies
5 Ciro Storm
Skill Type 8 1.png Fire 
Fire Magic AOE attack
  1. Enemy Stats: Detect Stats Skills
  2. Elemental Weak/Resist/Null/Absorb/Default: Stress Test
  3. Enemy stats research before V2.13.500 by @starry☆sky google doc