Astral Archive/Book of Ogre Baron

From Another Eden Wiki

Unlock with completion of 1 q.png Main Story Chapter 43

Name Requirement Reward
Book of Ogre Baron
Tomes.pngBook of Ogre Baron 1Clear Otherlands: Ratle Region - Vasu Mountains - Rugged Mountain Path 1 time216000003 icon.pngVictorious Necklace x1
Tomes.pngBook of Ogre Baron 1Clear Otherlands: Ratle Region - Vasu Mountains - Rugged Mountain Path 1 timeStar library mission exp icon.pngRepair EXP x30
Tomes.pngBook of Ogre Baron 2Defeat 5 Red Ogres in Ogres SpikeExp item.pngHigh Class Scroll x20
Tomes.pngBook of Ogre Baron 2Defeat 5 Red Ogres in Ogres SpikeStar library mission exp icon.pngRepair EXP x30
Tomes.pngBook of Ogre Baron 3Defeat 5 Callion Bites in Ogres Spike anywhereExp item.pngHigh Class Scroll x20
Tomes.pngBook of Ogre Baron 3Defeat 5 Callion Bites in Ogres Spike anywhereGold.png x100000
Tomes.pngBook of Ogre Baron 3Defeat 5 Callion Bites in Ogres Spike anywhereStar library mission exp icon.pngRepair EXP x30
Tomes.pngBook of Ogre Baron 4Search Baron's room in Ogres Spike top to bottom202000000 icon.pngScar Rod x1
Tomes.pngBook of Ogre Baron 4Search Baron's room in Ogres Spike top to bottomStar library mission exp icon.pngRepair EXP x30
Tomes.pngBook of Ogre Baron 5Raise Guildna to Level 60Job rank item.pngMurmur Script x30
Tomes.pngBook of Ogre Baron 5Raise Guildna to Level 60Job rank item.pngPrayer Script x10
Tomes.pngBook of Ogre Baron 5Raise Guildna to Level 60Star library mission exp icon.pngRepair EXP x30
Tomes.pngBook of Ogre Baron 6Find 5 Ogre Hounds in Ogres SpikeExp item.pngHigh Class Scroll x20
Tomes.pngBook of Ogre Baron 6Find 5 Ogre Hounds in Ogres SpikeStar library mission exp icon.pngRepair EXP x30
Tomes.pngBook of Ogre Baron 7Clear either Another Dungeon 1 time 202000004 icon.pngScar Piercer x1
Tomes.pngBook of Ogre Baron 7Clear either Another Dungeon 1 time 206000016 2.pngPoison Pierce x15
Tomes.pngBook of Ogre Baron 7Clear either Another Dungeon 1 time Star library mission exp icon.pngRepair EXP x30
Tomes.pngBook of Ogre Baron 8Clear 1 time Otherlands: Elzion Region - Airport - Harbor of the Skies282000001 icon.pngSPD +25 Badge x1
Tomes.pngBook of Ogre Baron 8Clear 1 time Otherlands: Elzion Region - Airport - Harbor of the SkiesStar library mission exp icon.pngRepair EXP x30
Tomes.pngBook of Ogre Baron HDefeat the Seal Monster Ogre Baron and Clear all Pledges
  • Pledge: without an ally deploying a Zone
Gem.png x10
Tomes.pngBook of Ogre Baron HDefeat the Seal Monster Ogre Baron and Clear all Pledges
  • Pledge: without an ally deploying a Zone
Destiny mei item.png(Hammer) x1
Tomes.pngBook of Ogre Baron HDefeat the Seal Monster Ogre Baron and Clear all Pledges
  • Pledge: without an ally deploying a Zone
Star library mission exp icon.pngRepair EXP x120
Tomes.pngBook of Ogre Baron HDefeat the Seal Monster Ogre Baron and Clear all Pledges
  • Pledge: without an ally deploying a Zone
Star library mission exp icon.pngRepair EXP x20
Tomes.pngBook of Ogre Baron VHDefeat the Seal Monster VH Ogre Baron and Clear all Pledges
  • Pledge: with Guildna in the party
  • Pledge: with 4 or fewer allies
Gem.png x50
Tomes.pngBook of Ogre Baron VHDefeat the Seal Monster VH Ogre Baron and Clear all Pledges
  • Pledge: with Guildna in the party
  • Pledge: with 4 or fewer allies
Destiny mei item.png(Hammer) x2
Tomes.pngBook of Ogre Baron VHDefeat the Seal Monster VH Ogre Baron and Clear all Pledges
  • Pledge: with Guildna in the party
  • Pledge: with 4 or fewer allies
Star library mission exp icon.pngRepair EXP x150
Tomes.pngBook of Ogre Baron VHDefeat the Seal Monster VH Ogre Baron and Clear all Pledges
  • Pledge: with Guildna in the party
  • Pledge: with 4 or fewer allies
Star library mission exp icon.pngRepair EXP x20
Tomes.pngBook of Ogre Baron VHDefeat the Seal Monster VH Ogre Baron and Clear all Pledges
  • Pledge: with Guildna in the party
  • Pledge: with 4 or fewer allies
Star library mission exp icon.pngRepair EXP x20


  • In regards to Ogre Baron's rooms, the method to get there is the following
  1. Go to Ogres Spike from the records room in Spacetime Rift.
  2. When you enter, pick the Dominion Spire Entrance checkpoint.
  3. Go left from here and navigate to the bottom left of this map: