Astral Archive/Book of Dragon Bearer

From Another Eden Wiki

Unlock with completion of 1 q.png Main Story Chapter 84

Name Requirement Reward
Book of Dragon Bearer
Tomes.pngBook of Dragon Bearer 1Raise Aldo to level 60282000001 icon.pngDragon God Badge x1
Tomes.pngBook of Dragon Bearer 1Raise Aldo to level 60Star library mission exp icon.pngRepair EXP x30
Tomes.pngBook of Dragon Bearer 2Be recognized as a pupil of Fugen Itto-Ryu DojoExp item.pngHigh Class Scroll x25
Tomes.pngBook of Dragon Bearer 2Be recognized as a pupil of Fugen Itto-Ryu DojoGold.png x150000
Tomes.pngBook of Dragon Bearer 2Be recognized as a pupil of Fugen Itto-Ryu DojoStar library mission exp icon.pngRepair EXP x30
Tomes.pngBook of Dragon Bearer 3Class Change Aldo to his 5★ class "Dragon Bearer"Job rank item.pngChant Script x1
Tomes.pngBook of Dragon Bearer 3Class Change Aldo to his 5★ class "Dragon Bearer"Star library mission exp icon.pngRepair EXP x30
Tomes.pngBook of Dragon Bearer 4Raise Aldo to level 80216000002 icon.pngAsterism Bracelet x1
Tomes.pngBook of Dragon Bearer 4Raise Aldo to level 80Star library mission exp icon.pngRepair EXP x30
Tomes.pngBook of Dragon Bearer 5Deal over 10,000,000 damage with a single Another ForceExp item.pngHigh Class Scroll x35
Tomes.pngBook of Dragon Bearer 5Deal over 10,000,000 damage with a single Another ForceGold.png x300000
Tomes.pngBook of Dragon Bearer 5Deal over 10,000,000 damage with a single Another ForceStar library mission exp icon.pngRepair EXP x30
Tomes.pngBook of Dragon Bearer 6Clear the Baruoki mayor's defense skill challengeAbility orb undividable.pngSupreme Power x1
Tomes.pngBook of Dragon Bearer 6Clear the Baruoki mayor's defense skill challengeStar library mission exp icon.pngRepair EXP x30
Tomes.pngBook of Dragon Bearer 7Raise Aldo's Light level to 2Ability orb 1.pngFrag. of Attack x200
Tomes.pngBook of Dragon Bearer 7Raise Aldo's Light level to 2Ability orb 2.pngCrystal of Attack x10
Tomes.pngBook of Dragon Bearer 7Raise Aldo's Light level to 2Star library mission exp icon.pngRepair EXP x30
Tomes.pngBook of Dragon Bearer 8Raise Aldo's Light level to 5Ability orb 3.pngJadeite of Attack x1
Tomes.pngBook of Dragon Bearer 8Raise Aldo's Light level to 5Ability orb 2.pngCrystal of Attack x20
Tomes.pngBook of Dragon Bearer 8Raise Aldo's Light level to 5Star library mission exp icon.pngRepair EXP x30
Tomes.pngBook of Dragon Bearer HDefeat the Memory Incarnated Aldo and Clear all Pledges
  • Pledge: Clear within 3 turns
Destiny ten item.png(Sword) x1
Tomes.pngBook of Dragon Bearer HDefeat the Memory Incarnated Aldo and Clear all Pledges
  • Pledge: Clear within 3 turns
Star library mission exp icon.pngRepair EXP x120
Tomes.pngBook of Dragon Bearer HDefeat the Memory Incarnated Aldo and Clear all Pledges
  • Pledge: Clear within 3 turns
Star library mission exp icon.pngRepair EXP x20
Tomes.pngBook of Dragon Bearer VHDefeat the Memory Incarnated Aldo and Clear all Pledges Destiny ten item.png(Sword) x2
Tomes.pngBook of Dragon Bearer VHDefeat the Memory Incarnated Aldo and Clear all Pledges Star library mission exp icon.pngRepair EXP x150
Tomes.pngBook of Dragon Bearer VHDefeat the Memory Incarnated Aldo and Clear all Pledges Star library mission exp icon.pngRepair EXP x120
Tomes.pngBook of Dragon Bearer STELLADefeat the Memory Incarnated Dragon God's Might + Aldo and Clear all Pledges
  • Pledge: Win with Aldo in the party
Job rank item.pngDragon Bearer Starchart x3


  • Note for Stella Difficulty, Aldo must be in the frontline otherwise the enemy will use Another Force at the start of 1st turn.