
From Another Eden Wiki

Dialogue with Audio

Story / Summon Cutscene

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
Denny's the name, adventurin's the game. I go wherever the wild seas take me. Allow me to offer my assistance.
Some call me a pirate, its true. But pay them no mind. What's in a name afterall.
Weigh anchor me heartys. The wind's in the sails, and its time to depart.


English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio

Limit Break

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Look alive landlubbers!


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- Not available
- Not available


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Enemy Encounter

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Just a little warmup.
The seas will run red.

Enemy Encounter (Horror)

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
Blimey, that looks tough.

Healing and Being Healed

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
Here you go matey.
Thanks matey.

Finish Off an Enemy

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
Get lost!
Come on!


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Is this my last voyage?

Valor Chants

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Whats going on? Let me at 'em!
Dead men tell no tales.
Steady course, captain's on deck.


English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
They be sleepin' with the fishes.
They're all shark bait.

Close Win

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
Shiver me timbers.

Dialogue without Audio


Before Summoning

English Transcription Japanese Transcription

The ocean is a fickle mistress...

She may look calm one moment, then send whole ships down to the depths in the blink of an eye.

Oh, excuse me. My name is Denny, able seaman and adventurer extraordinaire.

Hm? You want me to join you? Sorry, chum. Now's not the time for that. The wind just isn't right...

Still, you never know what destiny might have in store.

Perhaps someday you and I will sail to adventure on the same ship...

……海ってやつは 気分屋でな。

穏やかに見えても 突然 唸りを上げて 船を 飲み込んじまうこともある。

……俺か? 俺はデニー。海の冒険家だ。

一緒にこないかって? ……残念だが 今はまだその時じゃない。 風がそう鳴いているのさ。

……だが 運命ってやつぁ わからねえもんだ。

もしも船を共にすることがあったら そんときゃ 俺が舵を握ってやるぜ。

After Summoning

English Transcription Japanese Transcription

I never thought anything would impress me so much as the majesty of the ocean, but you guys are a real class act, too.

You're sailing on far stranger tides than I ever knew existed. That really shivers my timbers.

No adventure is too much for me. Call me whenever you're setting sail for a new one.

Let's show the world what we can do!

あんたら すげえよ…… 俺ぁ 世界で一番デカいモンは 目の前にある この海だと思ってた。

だが あんたらは 俺が渡ってきた どんな海よりも どでかい波を 渡っていきやがる。

俺も 負けてらんねぇな。 行き先が 海原じゃなかろうが いつでも呼んでくれ。

どこだろうと 暴れ回ってやるぜ!

After Character Quest 1

English Transcription Japanese Transcription

Life sure is strange...

When I look at at the ocean like this, I feel like my brother is standing right beside me.

And he really is here, in a way.

All life originally came from the ocean, and eventually it returns there, too. That's what I've heard, anyway.


こうして 海を見てると まだ あの海原に兄貴がいるような 気がしてきやがる。

……いや きっと本当にそうなんだな。

だって 聞いたことがあるぜ。 命は みんな いつか海に還るモンだってな。

After Character Quest 2

English Transcription Japanese Transcription

Love is like a fine wine. Give it time to grow and mature, and you'll get a lot more out of it.

Huh? You say you're too young to drink?

You bilge rat, that's not the point! Have you even been listening to me?

I'm saying life is full of wonders. You've got to savor every moment.

Note: In JP script, Denny says "women age like fine wine," not "love."

女は 樽に仕込んだ酒みたいなもんだ。 月日を重ねるごとに 熟成して 深みってモンが出てきやがる。

なに? 酒を飲めない奴がする 例えじゃないって?

馬鹿だな…… 酒は 飲むだけのモンじゃねえ。

色艶を 愛でるのも 酒の楽しみ方の 一つってもんよ。