
From Another Eden Wiki

Dialogue with Audio


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- Not available

Story / Summon Cutscene

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Setting foot in my home without my permission? You're either courageous or foolhardy.
You shall be cut down at once.


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Another Eden: The Cat Beyond Time and Space

Limit Break

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Charge into the fray!
This is it!


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- Not available
- Not available


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English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
What the?
A mistake!

Enemy Encounter

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
You will fall to my blade.
I will take care of this.

Enemy Encounter (Horror)

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
I tremble with excitement!

Healing and Being Healed

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Are you unharmed?
Much obliged.

Finish Off an Enemy

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Meet your end!
I'll punish you!
Eat this!


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It was not enough.

Valor Chants

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
My strength is yours.
Seize victory.
Howling sword, gathering storm.


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Shall we venture on?
I could have handled it myself.

Close Win

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
That was perilous.

Dialogue without Audio


During IDA Episode 1

English Transcription Japanese Transcription

Cyrus: Show me, come on! I must observe the swordsmanship being taught at this school!

Student: Well, it's just... Umm...

Hey, you, do you know this frogman? He's been like this for half an hour now, can't you do something about him?

Just what is he anyway? Is he some new kind of mutant I haven't heard about yet?

I know IDA School specializes in gifted individuals, but this guy's a little too "gifted," if you know what I mean.

Cyrus: Quit your murmuring over there and show me the flourish of your blade, good man!

Student: Come on! Please just leave me alone! I told you, I only specialize in magic!

Cyrus: さぁ はやく見せるでござる! この教室で教えている 剣術を!

Student: いや……そう言われてもなぁ。

君 このカエル人間の知り合いかい? さっきから この調子で困ってるんだよ。

彼…… 一体なにものなんだ? 新手のミュータントか?

変人揃いのIDAスクールといえど このレベルには お目にかかったことが……

Cyrus: 何をこそこそ やっているでござる! さっさとするでござるよ。

Student: うわぁ!? 勘弁してくれよ〜! 俺は魔術専攻なんだって〜!