
From Another Eden Wiki


Introduction Dialog[edit]

Well my oh my! Look at what the catfish dragged in! No, I don't suppose I've ever seen a human boy before have I? Hehe... We sirens don't see the surface much. Care for some tea? Perhaps something sweet? I've got chilly chip and crinklebell crackers, if you'd like! Just let ol' Pizzica take care of ya, love. I'll make you feel right at home. Heheh...

Character Traits[edit]

She is generous and helpful. She is delighted by having visitors and stocks many different kinds of teas and desserts for them. Initially she is unable to sing in front of others because of her insecurities. Pizzica is the head of the Sirens' Village at Glacial Place. As the holy maiden, no one else is allowed to hear her sing. However she revealed this was a lie invented to cover up the fact that when she used to sing, none of the other sirens could hear her.

Other Info[edit]

As all sirens, she has a human torso, but a fish tail instead of legs. She has flowing lavender hair and a pink tail. Numerous fish live in her hair, which helps keep a siren's hair shiny and beautiful, in a symbiotic relationship.


Character Quest 1: Someone to Lean On[edit]

[Synopsis: The siren Pizzica seems to like singing and Aldo overhears her humming. Suddenly, someone hears hers the singing and a new story begins]

Character Quest 2: Your Soul is Mine[edit]

[Synopsis: As Aldo and Pizzica walk through Acteul, a craftsman appears looking for someone. He says the person has gone to find the woman of his dreams]

Character Quest 3: Aria of the Primordial Sea[edit]

[Synopsis: Pizzica is still wondering how her song was able to reach the breech baby of time. It's then that a small boat washes ashore]

The 3000 Realm Ark and the Sea Abyss[edit]

Pizzica first encounters Aldo's party (Aldo, Sheila, Chiyo, Nagi, and a small squid-like creature named Pip) when they are launched out of the ocean by a magic bubble and end up stranded at Glacial Place. She and her fellow sirens help the party revive, though she initially mistakes Aldo for a plank of driftwood, because the sirens are all female and have never seen a man before. Pizzica explains that the sirens are not ravening monsters who sink ships, as the southerners mistakenly believe, but that their songs are blessings instead of curses.

Pizzica invites the visitors to her home, where she tells them about the "ephemeral fiends" that have been making holes in the village and causing chunks of ice to drift away. That night, Pizzica, the other sirens, and Aldo's party plan to catch the fiends in a trap. The sirens give the party replicas of ancient artifacts that are weapons transformed into musical instruments. Pizzica tells the party of the sirens' legend that the Seafire and red coral provide magical protection to the Sirens' Village.

When the village is attacked that night, the party rushes to the hokora where Pizzica traditionally performs the Ceremony of Protection, which turns out to be the same as the one performed at the Dragon Palace. Once there, they find the fiends are a massive swarm of creatures resembling Pip. The party drives them off but discover that the red coral surrounding the hokora have all died. Wary of imminent calamity befalling her village, Pizzica joins Aldo's group to journey through the ocean and stop the fiends.

Character Quest AS[edit]

This version exists but no one has bothered filling it in yet.

Character Quest ES[edit]

This version does not exist yet.