NPCs & Other Lore/Present

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The left and right islands of Migleina is controlled by the kingdom of Miglance, while the center island of the continent known as the Dusken Lands is mostly desolate save for the Beast King's Castle. The beastfolk mostly reside on Snake Bone Island.


Portrait Name Description
101800031.normal.png Mayor Gileas The mayor of Baruoki. He came across Aldo and Feinne sixteen years ago in the Moonlight Forest and decided to raise them as his own. He is at least a century old and possesses unimaginable strength well past his prime. In his prime, he adventured with King Miglance's father, Maisie, Lousie and Victor. He hates when Victor makes a decision based off his adventure instinct. Victor's second katana is originally the Mayor's weapon from his adventuring days.
Hollow Time Layer
A childhood friend of Aldo who is very knowledgeable about Prisma. Consider herself as a genius. In the future, she authored the quantum holographic theory and developed the dream-like metal Ashterium. She created the Gate Holder, a device that could temporarily open a gate in time and space. She shares a similar appearance to Lucca Ashtear from the Chrono Trigger & Chrono Cross Universe. Click on the picture for true identity
She is originally a scientist working for the Chronos Empire. The Queen, Madoka had ordered Ashtear to kidnap and transport Kamlanage to the outer time layer. Taking advantage of Professor Chronos and King Palsifal's plan to alter history, Ashtear was able to take advantage of the weaken seal to come to Aldo's time layer. She entrusted Kamlanage to the Chapel of the Goddess of Time as leaving him in Elzion would allow the Chronos Empire to find him using Riica. She tried to return to Hollow Time Layer to help Madoka, however she arrived in Moonlight Forest before Aldo and Feinne arrival. During Aldo and Feinne's childhood, she worked as a scientist in Unigan and afterwards retired to live a quiet life in Baruoki. She is childhood friends with Velette. Her family took in Velette after her grandfather pass away. She did not inform Velette about her departure.
NO IMAGE Sorik A missing cat in Baruoki. A young girl is looking for Sorik. >>spoiler<<
See also: Aldo
502024001.normal.png King Miglance Kadlim Belum Miglance is the 7th king of Miglance. He is staying in the inn due to the reconstruction of Miglance Castle after the Beast King Guildna's assault. After Last Day of Miglance, he establishes the first parliament, led by a representative elected by the people. He retires as King and becomes a symbolic Monarch, with the parliament taking more charge of regular governance. He wielded the sword Palsifal up until the events of Ogre Wars. He is Miyu's father. Victor trained him as a child and filled his head with tales of adventure.
502024002.normal.png Lakhesis Commander of Miglance Knights. Known as the Lance of Miglance. He has a daughter named Laminas (Radias's Dawn Time Layer counterpart) who works as an innkeeper and supports the knights. He joined the Miglance Knights with Bertrand.
502020002.normal.png Pepori Pepori caln is listed as peaceful offshoots of the beastfold genus. Became friends with Feinne while she was at the Beast King's Castle. Is knowledgeable about the Ogre Wars and it conclusion. Currently residing at Aldo's home.
502020003.normal.png Mobecha Has an ability to shapeshift himself to be a Miglance Knight. Mobecha caln is listed as peaceful offshoots of the beastfold genus. Became friends with Feinne while she was at the Beast King's Castle. Currently residing at Aldo's home.
NO IMAGE Scott A scholar researching alternative energy sources to Prisma, particularly using lightning.
NO IMAGE Labyrinth Magic Mirror An inorganic mirror that is knowledgeable about various things, a mirror of truth.
NO IMAGE Grimoire The Enchanted Chronicle, one of 3 magical heirlooms of the Miglance royal family alongside the Mirror of Truth and the Sacred Blade. A grimoire which documents the Miglance rule and looks after the interest of the royal family. Due to protecting itself during the Beast's attack on the castle, it is unable to protect itself against pest monster, who are devouring the stories within. With the assistance of Aldo and Miyu, the Grimoire is able to defend against the pest monsters.
101010011.normal.png Lady Anna The First Paladin. She was born in Uruala and in the Parrallel Time Layer Uruala, there are tombstones for her as well as the other Paladins. Her tale is as follow: "Once upon a time, there was a young girl called Anna. Anna was a kind-hearted child, who dreamt of a world without conflict. If the beasts could be quelled, peace would come to the kingdom. Believing this with all heart, Anna joined the knighthood. The sword of this most pure-hearted Anna begin to shine with an inner light. The beasts cowered in the presence of that brilliant light, and fled to the neighboring lands. It is because of this that Anna, victor over the beasts, became known as the Paladin." Anabel's grandfather seemed to know the true story of Anna. Anabel has the same birthmark on her chest as Lady Anna and looks up her as a role model. She once assisted a beast, but she was court-martialed and adjusted to be a spy by the Captain of the time. A small coterie understood her actions and she was canonized and worshipped in secret by this cult for many years and due to the passage of time where eventually, none remained who knew the truth, and she became a symbol of the fight against the beasts. She was banished to Rucyana Sands and though a wormhole, she traveled to the future ~1090 and is revered for her role in the war on the Synth Humans. She hopes to remove war from the world by destroying all life within it. Anabel is her reincarnated self. Anabel inherits her will and allow Anna to finally rest from her 1000-year journey. She restore Anabel memories about Deirdre. Anabel (Extra Style)'s outfit is Lady Anabel's armor from when she was sent into exile.
He was a founding knight of Miglance along with Lady Anna. Hundreds of years ago, there was a knight of great talent. His name was Petro. His whole family slaughtered by beasts, Petro fought tirelessly and dauntlessly where eventually finding himself serving under the first paladin. Though he acted as the paladin's right-hand man, their ideals were as night and day. One wished to let the beast live, the other to exterminate them. Their ideals incompatible, Petro set the trap for the paladin that ended in her exile. Petro later died during a battle with the beasts, yet his will never faded. He sealed his inexhaustible hatred in his sword, and fought on even after his body has perished. And during One Step Closer, the sword has absorbed the whole kingdom's hatred, he has reawakened. The Labyrinth Magic Mirror notes that the power of hate amassed within the sword will not simply disappear with it destruction and that Anabel must destroy Petro's hatred dwelling within the sword.
NO IMAGE Head Priest Mariel's mother and Yipha's mentor. She leads the temple in Unigan and works closely with the royal knights. She is married to the deputy head priest. She fell ill to the Twilight Sickness but was saved by Mariel. She is strict to Mariel in her role as Head Priest but as her mother, she is very supportive of Mariel. She approved the engagement between Bertrand and Yipha in their mission to lower the guard of a corrupt noble.
NO IMAGE Deputy Head Priest A leader of the temple in Unigan. He is Mariel's father and is very supportive of Mariel's journey.
NO IMAGE Laclair's Foster Father A renown ranger. Originally from Antiquity, he and the dinosaur traveled to 290 AD where the dinosaur destroyed Laclair's hometown. He rescued Laclair from the dinosaur attack. He taught Laclair the tricks of the trade and gave her the dinosaur scale. The first time he asked for Laclair's assistance in a hunt is in Beasts Connected. He is thankful to Aldo for supporting Laclair and helping her overcome her revenge. He is able to communicate with the Nopaew clan using gestures and pictures. He considers Gau and Bau as his grandkids. He and Laclair keep in touch using letters. He has protected Cerius in a hunt.
350202901.png Lokido's Father Lokido's father. Introduced during "The Proud Lineage". He seeks for humans and beasts to coexist peacefully. Other beasts consider him a traitor. To protect Lokido's mother, Melinda, he left her and was unaware about their shared child. The beast woman who killed Melinda manages to kill him as well. Lokido and Aldo bury him in Moonlight Forest next to Melinda's burial spot. Melinda described Lokido's Father as a kind, loving man, who loved her more than anything in the world. Lokido continue his work of seeking for humans and beasts to coexist peacefully.
NO IMAGE Lousie A member of the Mayor's and Victor adventure party. She is the mage of the party. She gained the same power from the ruins that Victor gained however she ages like normal but can absorb the life force from young girls to keep herself looking young. Victor describes her as a little bit of a troublemaker but kind at heart, always thoughtful, and would put others before herself. She couldn't stand to let herself grow old while Victor kept adventuring. It is implied that she likes Victor in the romantic sense. She isn't from Baruoki originally.
NO IMAGE Maisie A member of the Mayor's and Victor adventure party. She is May's grandmother and is a blacksmith. Similar to May, she is a daughter to a blacksmith. She keeps the key to the party's old hideout in Baruoki. Her favorite saying is "Strike while the iron is hot!" and she loves plum mushroom rice soup. She and May worked together to create the Sword of Bond to defeat the Spearbreaker. The Hammer of Bond May uses is inherited from Maisie and she originally used the armor from the Spearbreaker for the core of the hammer. After the battle with the Spearbreaker she reforges the tip of the hammer with the amour from the Spearbreaker.
NO IMAGE King Albert Miglance
Father to King Miglance and Miyu's grandfather. The final member of the Mayor's and Victor adventure party.
411001061 l.png Desert Cat Deity A bakeneko who is fulfilling the wishes of the residents of Zarbo. Otoha is jealous of the attention they get as well as being revered as a Cat Deity. They have the ability to shapeshift to a big cat. They are not very confident in fighting.
NO IMAGE Yugo He was a member of Bone Wolf. He and Benedict were paired up for a lot of the same jobs. He and Benedict were planning to escape Wulfpack Manor but they got caught and had pursuers chase them. He took the mountain trails to draw the pursurers after him but slipped off a cliff, got injured and was caught. Bone Wolf toutured him to reveal Benedict's whereabouts but refused and attempted suicide by using poison. Bone Wolf offered a deal where he was to draw out Benedict and retrive the Commander's Ax in exchange for his life, however Bone Wolf planned to kill him afterward. He gave Benedict the blue bandana to replace Benedict's red bandana. He is the one who suggested to Benedict to become a woodcutter. He taught Benedict that if you want a child, you should go to a cabbage field.
NO IMAGE Constanze A descendant of royal lineage and is currently married into a noble family. An ancestor of her use the forbidden Eastern art of shadow-theft to overthrow the throne. Shadow-theft is where the user rips away the shadow from a person/objects, and creates a copy of the original. Felmina killed her father. She lost her leg on the day her father died as the mansion crumbled to dust.


Name Description
Bone Wolf An assassins' guild. Benedict and Felmina were once members of this group.
Miglance Postal Service (Mailed Sheep) To realize a society in which people can sleep easy, by delivering all mail, whatever the circumstance however the secondary and more important role of this organization is to collect information in benefit to the Miglance Kingdom. Bone Wolf was originally part of this organization but left due to difference in ideology.

Edit Migleina Present Locations

Migleina Continent - Present Locations[edit]

Name Chapter Introduction Area Type Description
Migleina Continent - Present Locations
Baruoki Chapter 1 Settlement Aldo's hometown.
Nuaru Uplands Chapter 2 Field
Moonlight Forest Chapter 2 Field
Karek Swampland Chapter 12 Field
Unigan Chapter 12 Settlement The largest city in Migleina located right in front of Miglance Castle.
Miglance Castle Chapter 13 Settlement (Spacetime Rift Record) Located at the heart of Migleina, this castle towers over Unigan. Two massive statues of King Miglance tower over the front gates.
Serena Coast Chapter 14 Field
Rinde Chapter 14 Settlement A seaport which is always under constant attack by beasts.
Miglance Labyrinth Two Knights and the Holy Sword Chapter 1 Field
Forest of Forgetfulness Little Princess' Little Big Adventure Chapter 1 Field This forest lies behind Miglance Castle and is home to myconids and other monsters.
Lucniva Symphony Persona 5 Collaboration Chapter 1 Settlement A town that was led by a cruel mayor named Sethka. He reforms after Aldo and Joker enter his Mind Palace and defeat his shadow. The town contains a wedding hall.
Puppet Theater Symphony Persona 5 Collaboration Chapter 2 Field (Spacetime Rift Record)
Mementos Symphony Persona 5 Collaboration Chapter 3 Field (Spacetime Rift Record)
Mementos: Path of Flowers Bound Wills and the Hollow Puppeteer: Promises, Vows, and Rings Field (Spacetime Rift Record)
Wulfpack Manor Commander and Sheep Field
Atratt Manor Some Small Power I Settlement & Field
Zarbo Chapter 21 Settlement A desert town located on top of where Sarupa used to be.
Rucyana Sands Chapter 21 Field
Mining Village >>spoiler<<Horai The Time Mine and the Dreamers Chapter 1 Town & Field A mining town which was previously abandoned for unknown reasons. The mine is located above the collapsed ruins of the Tower of Time.
Dogma Tower Episode Tower & Witch Chapter 2 Field (Spacetime Rift Record)
Beast King's Castle Chapter 22 Field
Chronos' Umbra Chapter 24 Field (Spacetime Rift Record)
Hero's Graveyard Heroes of Bygone Days and the Engraved Oath Field (Spacetime Rift Record)
Ancient Battlefield Chapter 27 Field
Snake Bone Island - Snake Tail Corabel Chapter 29 Field
Snake Bone Island - Snake Spine Gabaraki Chapter 29 Field
Snake Bone Island - Konium Chapter 29 Settlement
Snake Bone Island - Snake Liver Damaku Chapter 31 Field
Snake Bone Island - Snake Neck Igoma Chapter 32 Field
Snake Bone Island - Snake Dream Chapter 32 Field
Snake Bone Island - Snake Skull Mescita Chapter 32 Field
Ogres Spike Chapter 40 Field (Spacetime Rift Record)


Separated into three different kingdoms, Land of Mi, Land of Ro, and Land of Shin. The Land of Ro was destroyed three years ago by the combined might of the other two kingdoms. Specters mingle with the human but have Hidden Village Itoise hidden in the northern Kunlun Mountains. Demons are born from the combination of specters and humans and many have a desire of revenge for the destruction of Land of Ro. In addition there are daimons, who have human parents but the demon traits become pronounced.

Native Members[edit]

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Portrait Name Description
502120029.normal.png Kagnome A ninja who prioritizes the mission who reports to Genshin. Elder sister of Tsubame and Suzume. Has a cat that looks similar to Suzume cat form. The secret art passed by the ninja family is a forbidden justu, to summon a large golem.
NO IMAGE Ageha Genshin's wife. She rarely speaks. Mask Monster takes her appearance to set a trap for Aldo.
502120009.normal.png Genshin The lord of the Land of Mu who seeks substantial desires and the soul of scum.
A man who prides himself with being scummy, Lord Genshin is an incredibly cruel and greedy man who rules over the Land of Mi. Behind this nasty disposition is a man who acts incredibly immature and childish.
  • A running gag throughout the game involves Lord Genshin being blasted into the air while calling for his "mommy".
501120014.png Togarashi Nyanjiro An emissary of the Cat Deity. Has the ability to travel using the Cat Hokora. Watches over the shrine maidens including Necoco and Otoha.
NO IMAGE Shanxi Lingli's aunt and owner of Nagsham's tavern. Her tarvern specialize in Beef Manju. The buns made in her tavern are made using the forces of Yin and Yang which can be used to select ingredients to draw out their hidden flavors. She teaches Lingli how to make buns who creates the Cat Manju.
NO IMAGE General Zabar Right hand man of Empress Garneli.
502127012.normal.png Garneli Empress of the Land of Shin who is warmly bewitching, but also cold and ruthless as ice.
Together with Lord Genshin, she declared war on the Land of Ro, completely decimating the kingdom 3 year prior. She is the only person who can grant access to Mahora Lake. Hozuki ran away from Garneli in the dead of the night and owe a very large debt to Garneli. Gave Hozuki her AS outfit which if used properly, it may help control the 100+ spirits residing in Hozuki. Garneli like Hozuki because she show who really is and she does not hide her detest or fear towards Garneli.
502120034.normal.png Suzaku The leader of the demons whose homeland was destroyed, that conquers lands using the mobile Jiraiya Fortress.
Tsukiha childhood friend and former bodyguard. Taught Tsukiha how to wield a bow. A former resident of the Land of Ro.
501179010.png Nekomasa A specter blacksmith who has the ability to embedded ores into grasta.
NO IMAGE Fukurobe A shine madien at the Cat Shrine. Pampers Necoco.
NO IMAGE Nabeshima A shine madien at the Cat Shrine. Pampers Necoco.
502900014.normal.png Tsukiha's Father Former Lord of Ro and the wielder of the Three-Edged Epitaph. He led Tsukiha to believe that he betrayed his family and his nation. He sealed Tsukiha's mother within a sword and kept it far away from Tsukiha. Tsukiha's mother wanted to use Tsukiha as a vessel to obtain immortality and was the true villain to perform genocide on her people to obtain their life force. The night before the tragedy, he hurried to perform a ritual of inheritance, which would allow for Tsukiha to obtain the full power of the family's witchcraft, but due to his haste, the ritual went awry and Tsukiha was cursed. The curse manifested itself as the arm with which she wields her spectral blade. He and his wife were buried at Serena Coast.
NO IMAGE Princess Daughter of a noble family that has severed the ruler of the Land of Mi for generations. Her father is the First Retainer of Lord Genshin. Azami's master. She support Azami in her love for Aldo.

Edit Garulea Present Locations

Garulea Continent - Present[edit]

Garulea Continent - Present Locations
Name Chapter Introduction Area Type
Izana Chapter 48 Settlement
Inanari Plateau Chapter 48 Field
Cat Shrine Chapter 48 Settlement
Temple Ruins Chapter 49 Field
Kurosagi Castle Chapter 50 Settlement (Spacetime Rift Record)
Vermilion Road Chapter 48 Field
Nagsham Chapter 51 Settlement
Kunlun Mountains Chapter 52 Field
Specter Palace Chapter 52 Field
Wicked Meadow Chapter 53 Field
Ikarga Chapter 53 Settlement
Mahora Lake Chapter 54 Field
Chapel of the Goddess of Time Chapter 54 Settlement
Jiraiya Fortress Chapter 55 Field
Kunlun Mountains (Hidden Path) Chapter 69 Field
Hidden Village Itoise Chapter 70 Settlement
Demon Sea Caverns Chapter 71 Field
Specter Citadel Chapter 71 Field
Land of Ro: Dungeon Ruins Chapter 72 Field
Light's Fading Chapter 81 Field
Mark of Man's Tomb Chapter 82 Field (Spacetime Rift Record)
Mark of Beast's Tomb Chapter 82 Field (Spacetime Rift Record)
Mark of God's Tomb Chapter 83 Field (Spacetime Rift Record)


A time layer where the Miglance Knights are more aggressive in their pursuit to eliminate beast folk and at the center lies Commander Anabel. >>spoiler<< In this time layer, Anabel dies during the attack on Uruala and the events of Two Knights and the Holy Sword did not occur.

Native Members[edit]

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Portrait Name Description
NO IMAGE Labyrinth Magic Mirror An inorganic mirror that is knowledgeable about various things, a mirror of truth.
101800261.normal.png Lakhesis
Parallel Time Layer
Former Commander of Miglance Knights. Commander Anabel's foster father and Radias's father. Currently a fugitive and leading the Resistance.
Commander Anabel
Parallel Time Layer
Paladin Deirdre
Parallel Time Layer
Commander of Miglance Knights. Running a crusade to kill all beasts. She recovered the alchemy weapon known as Tempered Arms and uses it to defend Migleina. Due to her influence, Uruala has been restored and The Port City of Rinde has seen tremendous growth. Click on the picture for true identity
Commander of Miglance Knights. With the death of Anabel, she trained herself to become the Paladin and have her sister's name resonate throughout the world. She is the first Deirdre to start the time loop of Two Knights and the Holy Sword using the power of the Holy Sword Verweil. >>spoiler<< It is revealed that she is alive and has forgotten about herself.
Parallel Time Layer
Currently, taking charge of the marine rapid response unit. She is Bria's parallel counterpart.
Parallel Time Layer
After the events of First Knight and the Holy Sword, he has become a recruit to the Miglance Knights. He is Lokido's parallel counterpart.
101010011.normal.png Lady Anna
Parallel Time Layer
When Anabel held the Ceremony of Souls at Urania, she was able to return. She pass to Anabel the power of prayer that the generations of Paladins have collected. She was able to see Anabel's memories and see how her sprirt was set free in the other time layer. She too would like to see the world that comes from Anabel's ideals. She resides within Anabel's soul.
NO IMAGE Deliverance Being For Anabel to be worthy of using the power of prayer, this being is the collection of all the Paladins who rest at Urania. The form it takes is of a white unicorn. Similar to Lady Anna, it resides within Anabel's soul. It can travel in the air.

Edit Parallel Time Layer Locations

Migleina Continent - Parallel Time Layer Locations[edit]

Name Chapter Introduction Area Type Description
Migleina Continent - Present Locations
Parallel Time Layer - Rippling Forest Episode First Knight Chapter 1 Field
Parallel Time Layer - Parallel Unigan Episode First Knight Chapter 1 Settlement
Parallel Time Layer - Parallel Miglance Castle Episode First Knight Chapter 1 Settlement Located at the heart of Migleina, this castle towers over Unigan. There have been expansions in the Castle for the Miglance Knights.
Parallel Time Layer - Parallel Serena Coast Episode First Knight Chapter 2 Field (Spacetime Rift Record)
Parallel Time Layer - The Port City of Rinde Episode First Knight Chapter 2 Settlement
Parallel Time Layer - Uruala Episode First Knight Chapter 2 Settlement TThe hometown of Anabel and Deirdre that was destroyed in a beast attack. The town is home to many Paladins including Lady Anna. Commander Anabel has restored this town to it former glory.
Parallel Time Layer - Burning Beast King's Castle Episode First Knight Chapter 3 Field (Spacetime Rift Record)
Deliverance Sword Episode First Knight Chapter 3 Field (Spacetime Rift Record)

Native Members[edit]

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Portrait Name Description
101800071.normal.png Beast King Guildna Leader of the Beasts. He wields the Crimson Blade and met Feinne when she was a baby and understood that she had a unique power. Altena's older brother. >>spoiler<<
See also Guildna
The right hand man of Beast King Guildna. This form is considered as his battle form. Click on the picture for true identity
The twin brother of Myrus, Vares always accompanies the Beast King in battle. He is normally calm, but his personality switches to one that is aggressive whenever he transforms into his Beast Form. Vares possesses a family secret that allows him to molt: the first time Guildna witnessed this secret he thought Vares had died.
NO IMAGE Reliath
Dunarith's sister. When Dunarith was a child, when the illumination ceremony was going on, he and his sister were secretly making a lantern without informing the adults, and while foraging for yuen herbs (used as the heat source to lift the lanterns into the air) at Snake Neck Igoma, she was dragged by a monster into a secret part of Snake Dream and had her soul consumed and tortured by the monster. As a result, her soul isn't in Purgatory but became a evil spirit. In Where Have They Gone?, Dunarith get his revenge on the monster. Dunarith's beast form is where Reliath's evil spirit resides. Dunarith and Zevrio have a contract where Zeviro will allow Reliath to curse Dunarith and Dunarith will help collect souls for Zeviro.
502065013.normal.png Jazelle A rival for Guildna for the Beast King Throne.
NO IMAGE Dragon God Snake Bone Island is considered to be a skeleton of an enormous reptilian beast and deep inside Snake Liver Damaku lies the Dragon's God fossilized heart. Also known as the Genesis Dragon God. Aldo was bestowed inhuman strength upon being recognized as worthy. Currently they use a transient form and entrust their power only to the righteous protector of the weak. They are considered the head of all heavenly dragons, and the village of Dragon Summoners of Antiquity is aware of Snake Bone Island. They lost their physical form during the war between the Mother Goddess and the Dark God against Wyrmking and became Snake Bone Isle. The reason they appear in Aldo's era is because the odds of Dark God returning was high. They helped Tiramisu learn the hidden truth about her contract with the Heavenly Dragon. They crystalized a portion of their power and sent it through time to fight against the Wyrmking, which grew to Iridian which they refer to as their child. They crafted the spear and stakes holding down the Wyrmking. >>spoiler<<They also helped to seal the Dark God alongside the Sacred Beast and the Golem entrusted to the ninja clan.


A time layer where it is 303AD. In this time layer, the beast army managed to suppress the human forces at Miglance Castle and have captured Unigan. Aldo and Feinne have been missing from action since the battle at the castle.


Portrait Name Description
101440041.normal.png Lynx He provide information to Beast King Guildina about how he may underestimate Aldo and lead to his death as well as hope for the beasts. See Lynx
101800071.normal.png Beast King Guildina The leader of the Beasts. He has emerged victorious against the humans and has transformed Unigan to Unigalna.
502262001.normal.png Ashtear A girl with a similar appearance with Lucca. She is helping the revolutionary army as well as searching for the whereabouts of Aldo.
502251009.normal.png King Miglance After his defeat from Beast King Guildina, he leads a revolutionary army to reobtain Unigalna. He uses Underground Fortress as his base.

Edit Another World Locations

Migleina Continent - Another World 303 AD[edit]

Name Chapter Introduction Area Type
Another World
New Beast King's Castle Complex Dream Chapter 1 Settlement
Unigalna Complex Dream Chapter 1 Settlement
Another Karek Swampland Complex Dream Chapter 2 Field
Another Baruoki Complex Dream Chapter 2 Settlement
Another Nuaru Uplands Complex Dream Chapter 2 Field
Another Moonlight Forest Complex Dream Chapter 2 Field
Another Serena Coast Complex Dream Chapter 2 Field
Another Rinde Complex Dream Chapter 2 Settlement
Underground Fortress Complex Dream Chapter 2 Field
Dreamslip Tower of Time Complex Dream Chapter 3 Field


An expedition set out from East to research the World Tree and built a village in the current Rucyana Sands. The village was destroyed by an earthquake and Flammelapis and Ogre Rancorem are the only survivors.

Native Members[edit]

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Portrait Name Description
NO IMAGE Priestess of High Virtue
Flammelapis's teacher. She can read the stars in the sky and hear the whispers of the earth. She guided the villager of Flammelapis's home village with her broad knowledge and numerous magical arts. Flammelapis's father, a titan sought the Priestess of High Virtue to help seal Ogre Rancorem. She created the sheath for Ogre Rancorem. She sought to relieve Flammelapis of the burden of warding the cursed blade for Flammelapis's life.
NO IMAGE Priestess of High Virtue's Invoked Spirit They were instructed to teach Flammelapis the final binding rite. Priestess of High Virtue wove her own soul into the final binding rite. They have watched over the seal until 300 AD.