Myunfa (Alter)/Lore

From Another Eden Wiki


Introduction Dialog[edit]

Hello there, Myunfa at your service. Is there some kind, umm, some kind of wish you’d like granted or… umm… oh dear. Um, yes, well, I’m a teapot pixie, you see. I do grant wishes and all that sort of, you know… That whole thing. Buuut… ummm… I’m not really looking for a master or anything like that at the moment, as it turns out, aaand… Ummm… Drat. I’m truly sorry about all this. I feel like I’ve made this whole thing dreadfully awkward. You know, I’d love it if you could just forget, you know… Right. That okay? Sorry again.


A mysterious "Teapot Pixie", with the power to grant her master three wishes. However, she doesn't want to grant others' wishes, and has gone a thousand years without taking a master. Though a teapot, she hates tea, much preferring coffee with a loads of milk and sugar. Despite all that caffeine, she often nods off.

Other Info[edit]

  • Episode, Story, Side Quest Appearances
    • Does not appear in other quests.

Character Quests[edit]

Character Quest 1[edit]

Could You Grant My Wish?

At Serena Coast, Aldo is escorting an antique merchant when suddenly, they hear a cry for help. Aldo decides to let the merchant stay in a safe spot while he investigates.

As it turns out, the cry was from Porcelain Myunfa, who is being attacked by a group of monsters. Aldo defeats one and the rest escape. Porcelain Myunfa passes out from her wounds, so Aldo and the merchant bring her to Rinde in order to heal her.

Porcelain Myunfa has a nightmare where she is called a liar by voices, but is then woken up by Aldo. After the two talk for a bit, Aldo leaves. Porcelain Myunfa then realizes that her belongings, including her teapot, is still in the possession of the monsters from earlier. Porcelain Myunfa decides to find Aldo for help.

Observing a conversation between Aldo and the merchant, Porcelain Myunfa finds out that Aldo helps other people without asking anything in return. She talks to Aldo, who agrees to help her. Porcelain Myunfa then tells Aldo to go to Serena Coast with her.

Back at Serena Coast, Porcelain Myunfa explains to Aldo that her teapot is missing. Finding the teapot surrounded by monsters, Aldo defeats them and retrieves the teapot. They then decide to go to Unigan.

After Aldo leaves, Porcelain Myunfa secretly follows him and wonders if Aldo would help her again.

Character Quest 2[edit]

Could I Make Another?

In Unigan, Aldo notices Porcelain Myunfa following him. She reveals that she has nightmares because of spirits inside her teapot, which makes her afraid of going to sleep, and asks if Aldo can find a way to get rid of them. She then dozes off for a bit, so they decide to go to get some coffee.

At the tavern, Aldo suggests using Porcelain Myunfa's powers to get rid of the spirits, but she states that her powers can only be used to fulfill wishes, and that she hasn't had a master for around a thousand years. Porcelain Myunfa finds the memories of her past fuzzy, so they go to the East to search for clues.

Porcelain Myunfa and Aldo spend some time in Nagsham, then go to rest at the inn. Porcelain Myunfa has a dream where a human Porcelain Myunfa finds her village buried in an avalanche, and everyone killed. Using a wish from a teapot pixie she met earlier, she revives her brother. She then uses her second wish to become a teapot pixie so that her brother can wish for the other's revivals. Porcelain Myunfa wakes up abruptly, and decides to go to Kunlun Mountain with Aldo, where her village was.

As it turns out, the spirits are the souls of Porcelain Myunfa's family. After her brother made the third wish, his soul was taken inside the teapot as the price. Feeling betrayed, her family calls her a liar. Her mother makes a wish of killing herself, stating that she did not want to be revived if it meant sacrificing her son's life. As a result, the souls of the rest of the family were also taken inside the teapot. Back to the present, Porcelain Myunfa runs away out of guilt, and Aldo follows her.

Aldo finds Porcelain Myunfa, and decides to become her master in order to free her family from the teapot. Aldo makes his first wish to free the souls of Porcelain Myunfa's family from the teapot, and a spirit appears. Aldo then uses his second wish to revert her family back to normal, causing the spirit to separate into four. Despite Porcelain Myunfa's objections, Aldo uses his third wish to revert the spirits back to human form, but before he can finish his sentence, Porcelain Myunfa defeats three of them. Porcelain Myunfa has chosen her master over her family and the two fight the last spirit.

After defeating the spirit, Porcelain Myunfa passes out. Porcelain Myunfa recovers back at the inn and tells Aldo that her nightmares are gone, and that she is now bound to Aldo forever as she cannot find a new master without fulfilling the third wish.

Character Quest 3[edit]

I Want To Help, Too

In Lingli's shop, after being treated like a child by Aldo, Porcelain Myunfa states that she wants to be relied on, so Aldo sends her off to buy supplies.

Soon after walking out of the shop, Porcelain Myunfa is greeted by Myunfa, who sensed the presence of a peer, and after talking for a while, Porcelain Myunfa decides to ask Myunfa to teach her how to help her master. Myunfa accepts after Porcelain Myunfa refers to her as sister.

At Vermillion Road, Myunfa explains that kettle spirits are beings that are created with the hope that the tea drinkers will be happy, and Porcelain Myunfa recalls that the teapot pixie was created out of malice. Myunfa suggests finding the teapot spirit for more information, but Porcelain Myunfa mentions how the teapot spirit died after she tried to use its teapot to boil water. Myunfa states that the only way to make the master happy without using a wish is to make tea for him, and so they decide to go back to Lingli's shop to borrow her kitchen.

Back in Lingli's shop, Myunfa says that the most important things for tea are good water, good tea leaves and a good kettle. Porcelain Myunfa makes some tea, but Myunfa judges it as unsatisfactory because of the quality of the water and the coal. They decide to split up with Myunfa going to buy coal and Porcelain Myunfa going to Kunlun Mountain to collect snow for water.

While collecting snow at Kunlun Mountain, Porcelain Myunfa enrages a spectre and is chased around. After learning that Porcelain Myunfa is missing from Lingli and Myunfa, Aldo decides to go find her. Aldo finds Porcelain Myunfa and the spectre, and after saving Porcelain Myunfa, they return to Lingli's shop with the snow.

After making tea again, Porcelain Myunfa serves Aldo the tea, and Aldo commends her in return. Aldo then asks if Porcelain Myunfa has bought the supplies he requested, and she hurries out of the shop. Aldo comments that it will be a while before she becomes a reliable teapot pixie.