
From Another Eden Wiki


Introduction Dialog[edit]

Reporting in! My name is Komachi, a member of the Unigan Guards. But that is not all. One day I will be an unbeatable fighting housewife! Housework, battle, I will do it all! My first objective is total mastery of the lance! I hope my skills can be of use to you.

Character Traits[edit]

An aspiring housewife with fighting spirit. Komachi was put into an arranged marriage and ran away from home, in the East. Now, she's a knight in Unigan.

Other Info[edit]


Character Quest 1[edit]

Phantom flower

There’s a Phantom Flower that only blooms at this time of year in the Karek Swampland. Komachi has heard about this and has asked Aldo to take her there...

In Unigan, a florist approaches Komachi and Aldo, selling her stock. Komachi, initially interested, looks amongst the florist’s array and realises that she’s seen all of them on her travels. She turns down the offer to buy. The florist, determined to uphold the pride of her flower shop, names the “Phantom Bloom,” a flower that she’s certain Komachi has never seen before. It grows deep in the Karek Swampland. Curious, Aldo and Komachi head there at once.

The two enter farther into the Karek Swampland and encounter several unusual or rare-looking flowers, none of which are what they’re looking for. They soon encounter monsters. After they defeat them, Komachi spots what could be the Phantom Bloom and takes the blossom back to the Florist. Upon giving it to the florist, Komachi remarks that she had seen the flower before in her homeland.

Aldo remarks that the flower reminds him of Komachi, saying, “Well you came here from the East, and now fight for others as a knight of Unigan. So in a way, you’ve taken root here, just like this flower.” He continues. “That tenacity, that adaptability is what reminds me of you.”

Character Quest 2[edit]

The Dignity of a Samurai's Family

Komachi has taken on a job from the guards in Unigan and headed to Zarbo. The job is to hunt some beasts bothering some traveling merchants...

Once in Unigan, a frantic youth approaches Komachi and Aldo. The youth informs Komachi that a trade route into Unigan has been overrun by beasts, and all hunters are called upon to hunt them down. Many merchants from the East use it to trade. The two head to the Rucyana Sands.

Now in Rucyana, Komachi feels a little nostalgic. They’re on the route she took to enter the Central Continent. The two encounter a Merchant being confronted by a beast. Rushing in, Komachi and Aldo attack. The two go to Zarbo to report the scuffle.

Komachi and Aldo speak to the Head Merchant. As the merchant thinks of a reward, he recognizes Komachi. He and Komachi’s family, including her fiance, were looking for her. The merchant leaves, not before stating that he will inform Komachi’s father.

Aldo is surprised that Komachi has a fiance. She explains that her parents had put her in an arranged marriage, and in response, Komachi had run away. Before doing so, she had gotten into an argument with her father, wanting to marry on her own terms.