Elpis Bow

From Another Eden Wiki
Icon Name Level Attack Magic Attack
211050531 ui.png Elpis Bow 60 204 58

How to Obtain[edit]

  • Help the man in Fileria Basement

Weapon Effects

Parallel Illusion Maxed
Overthrow EnemyLvl^2/320
Critical Rate+ 100%

How to Get[edit]

Minimum requirement to finish this hidden quest is to be in chapter 91

  1. Talk to lady in Omegapolis Middle Layer to get [unlocking skill] for Korobo
  2. Go to Mineral Bay, house is locked, go visit Krakos in Lashval
  3. Go to bottom left house in Lashval, learns of key location
  4. Open door to villa on Mineral Bay, rest until evening
  5. Go to beach at night to find Mountain Key
  6. Travel to Rulezzo, hand the key over and explore Rulezzo Underground
  7. Unlock the path to Strissal Highlands and travel to Fileria
  8. Talk to the mek in the north most house, buy the house for 5000
  9. Search the basement, and interact with the warp hole to trigger the event. Landis will hand you the Bomb Shopping List.
    1. Buy the Type-7 Fuse in Lashval Store for 500 Bearings.
    2. To get Coralkonbu Stem,
      1. Travel to Dierkuul island and talk to Fugart in his house,
      2. Get the Aquatic Screw on the second floor, unlocks “Salvage”.
      3. Enter the boat, Salvage the Coralkonbu Stem just south of Dierkuul island
    3. To get Fugoba Gunpowder, you will need to hunt down several high-class Bounties.
      1. Initiate the Lernica Weather Machine sidequest, and progress it enough so that you learn of the Blue and Orange Orbs after defeating Mugger Bonita. Read the note in the archaeologist's house to unlock the ability to progress in Blistering Isle Gazarak.
      2. Get information from an NPC in Bolton to unlock Ganger Kurodaki. Defeat him at Moonsteel Forest Phase Shift to unlock VicePrez Guines.
      3. Defeat Guines at Aquatic Fantasia Phase Shift to unlock VicePrez Docson.
      4. Defeat Docson at Gazarak, drops Summit Road Issue 81
      5. Go deeper in Gazarak and pass the magazine to the NPC to unlock path to Fugoba Gunpowder. You don't need to fight Storm King Ikaruga.
  10. Return to Fileria, house basement and hand over the 3 items
  11. Move to Strissal Highlands Layer 3, top right corner. The cave-in has unearthed a glowing chest, which contains 400 Bearings and the Elpis Bow.