Difficulty Setting/Side Story Difficulty

From Another Eden Wiki

Side Story Difficulty Settings[edit]

In certain side stories, you can set the difficulty level. This will change the level of the enemies that appear, so choose the difficulty appropriate for your strength and how you want to play. However some enemies that are not directly involved in the side story storyline will be unaffected by the difficulty level. These strong enemies will not stop your progress in the story, so you can challenge them when you've improved your capabilities.

Currently the following side stories have implemented this feature.

Changing Difficulty[edit]

All main story and side story difficulty can be adjusted from the quest menu, with options to change individual storyline's difficulty. Below are other methods to change the difficulty level.

Ignores Difficulty Setting[edit]

Suggested Levels[edit]

Difficulty Recommended User Suggested Level
Beginner Is for players who are in the middle of part 1 of the main story. ~30
Standard Is for players who are in the middle of part 1.5 of the main story. ~60
Veteran Is for players who are in the middle of part 2 of the main story. ~70
Expert Is for players who have completed part 2 of the main story ~80
Master Is for players who have played through the world of Another Eden. 80+

Note that horror will be the difficulty level +10

Content Beginner Standard Veteran Expert Master
Content Difficulty Levels
A Paradise of Imperfections 60 80 90 110 140
Commander's Ax and Armored Sheep 30 50 70 110 140
Complex Dream 30 60 70 90 110
Crown of the Pale Dawn 30 60 70 90 110
Octolight Conductors: The Prisoner's Odyssey 30 60 70 80 110
The Cliffs of Wyrmrest - Wryz Saga I 30 60 70 110 140
The Wings of Destiny - Wryz Saga II 30 60 70 110 140
The Mists of Myth - Wryz Saga III 30 60 70 110 140
Wanderer in the Vortex 30 60 70 90 110
Wanderer in the Binding Night NA 80 90 100 130