
From Another Eden Wiki


Introduction Dialog[edit]

You are so very strong… I have come to a decision. I will join you, and learn the source of your strength by fighting the same battles as you. Ah, it is you? Master, I humbly ask to be admitted to your order. Ah, I misunderstood your group dynamic. Let’s start over. My name is Azami, and I am a traveling samurai. May I join you on your journey? Sir Aldo… It is a name with a noble ring to it. I look forward to fighting beside you.


A female samurai who comes from a land to the East. She has traveled abroad to train in order to better protect the princess she has been assigned to guard. Though she speaks with an air of stern samurai, she’s actually still quite young. When she’s not concentrating, you can hear it in her speech.

Other Info[edit]


Character Quest 1: The Samurai at the Martial Arts Contest[edit]

A contest is taking place in Unigan. Martial artists from all over have gathered. Go to Moonlight Forest and win the qualifying matches.

Azami finds out that a hastilude will be held in Unigan and convinces Aldo to participate with her. They head to Moonlight Forest for the prelims, although Aldo is a little suspicious of the location.

Azami introduces herself as the captain and Aldo as her lieutenant to the promoter. She blushes at Aldo’s suggestion to name themselves “Team Azami & Aldo”, but goes for it anyways.

The team easily wins the first rounds, although Aldo is taken aback that they are fighting monsters.

For the last round, the promoter reveals himself as the final opponent and as a beast who came up with the hastilude to attract strong fighters to brainwash into becoming the beasts’ foot soldiers. Azami laughs at him, stating that she would rather slit her belly than become their tool, and defeats him with Aldo.

Azami apologizes to Aldo for dragging him into a trap, but Aldo is happy to have foiled another of the beasts’ plans. He asks her if she was serious about going as far as slitting her belly, and she responds that that’s natural for a samurai. Aldo tells her that he will protect her if things go rough, making Azami blush.

Character Quest 2: The Samurai Saved by Sweetness[edit]

It seems the candies from the east haven’t made it to the exhibition in Rinde. Where could they be?

While enjoying the Rinde breeze, Aldo and Azami spot mitarashi dango imported from the East, and Azami decides to go get them.

They find a girl crying because someone stole the mitarashi dango. Azami vows to retrieve them, for the girl though, not because she herself wants to eat them!

They go to the pier, where the merchant tells them that the mitarashi dango were stolen by goblins who went towards the Serena Coast.

They find the goblins and Azami lets it slip that she wants to eat the mitarashi dango as well. After the goblins are defeated, Azami laments that they ate the dango without syrup: a true crime against mitarashi dango! Azami thinks she should taste them to make sure that they are okay, but Aldo stops her.

Back in Rinde, the merchant offers some dango as a thanks, having noticed the smile in Azami’s face when she looks at them, although she denies it.

Finally, as they enjoy the mitarashi dango with young girl, Aldo states that he would like to visit Azami’s hometown, and she blushes, misunderstanding that he wants to join her in familial matrimony. The girl leaves them to find a room for their dango date, but Aldo is completely oblivious of the situation, too busy enjoying the dango.

Character Quest 3: The Afflicted Samurai[edit]

Aldo has received a formal challenge. He has no memory of the challenger, but will head to the location specified anyway.

As Aldo wakes up from Unigan Inn, he is surprised to receive a letter of challenge from Azami, telling him to meet her in Rinde. Unexpectedly, Azami walks in, and feigns ignorance about writing the letter while admitting to being the one who wrote it. She thinks to herself that Aldo is as oblivious as always and is resolved to have a duel between man and woman with him.

At Rinde Port, Azami tells Aldo that she wants to share the Soaring Swallow School bloodline with him, and Aldo thinks she wants to shed his blood and asks her why she would want that so soon after becoming friends. Confusion ensues as Azami tells Aldo that he asked to join her in familial matrimony, until they hear a voice.

They chase after the goblins who stole mitarashi dango from the dango loving girl at Serena Coast.

The goblins try using the mitarashi dango as hostages, which only infuriates Azami more. After they dispatch of the goblins, Azami is horrified that she let her anger take over and the dango are dirty and inedible. She thinks that her father did the right thing to send her on her journey, and Aldo consoles her by telling her that he likes her unwavering determination and that he will follow her in her growth. Azami misunderstands him again, thinking that he is telling her that he wants to be by her side forever. She pulls herself together, however, vowing to get a definite answer from Aldo.

They go back to the girl to give her a newly purchased dango. As she leaves her alone, Aldo is about to tell Azami who she is for him, but she grows too flustered and even draws her katana on him before running away from him and avoid his answer.

Orihime Style Change[edit]

Azami is approached by an Eastern soldier in Rinde, who hands her a letter from the princess she serves herself, asking her to go visit her every now and then during her training. Azami, however, doesn’t feel like she can show herself in her current state: lovesick over Aldo! As she is pondering, Aldo appears, still oblivious that he is the cause of Azami’s heart problems, even making the mitarashi dango girl think that Aldo must be kinda dull.

The girl thus decides to meddle and borrows Azami for some girl talk: she tells Azami about a god in Serena Coast who grants wishes and will cure her heart problems, without disclosing that the god is actually a love god. Azami then tells Aldo that she is headed to see the god and Aldo decides to join her, startling her when he grabs her hand.

Azami prays to the god, but she is the only one who can hear her. She wishes for her heart problems to go away, confusing the god, who tells her to go see a doctor if she is concerned about health problems. She angrily reveals that she can only grant wishes of love and that she is actually a specter from the East who parted ways with her body long ago.

Talking with Azami, she realizes how clueless she is and tells her that she is love with Aldo! When Azami asks her to join her and Aldo in filial matrimony, she admits that she doesn’t hold such power. Seeing that Azami is a samurai, the Love God challenges her to show her her strength. After a fight, she recognizes her strength and tells her to go on a hunt for specters to perform a ceremony that will allow her to regain her full power, which will in turn let her grant her wish.

As per the Love God’s instructions, Azami tells Aldo that they have to go to Inanari Plateau to hunt for specters and collect offerings. He is worried about her heart and offers her his full support, but it only makes her heart ache more. The Love God comments to herself that Aldo really has a good heart and reminds her of someone.

In the East, as the Love God teases Azami about what attracted her in the first place about Aldo, they see a couple arguing. Aldo tries to intervene, but the Love God reveals that it is a specter’s doing. When it shows itself, Aldo and Azami kill it, freeing the couple from its evil influence. After collecting the offerings left behind by the specter and hearing the couple make up, Azami ponders about the way they could list what they admired about each other without becoming flustered as she did when the Love God asked her about Aldo.

They move on by the tea shop in Vermilion Road, where Azami is having trouble refraining herself from eating dango. They then see a regular of the shop, but the shopkeeper says that he never goes inside anymore, but only looks at the shop from the outside and leaves in a hurry. When Aldo expresses happiness for visiting Azami’s hometown with her, she becomes flustered again and accidentally hits a hidden specter, forcing it to reveal itself.

After they kill it, Azami collects the offerings and the young man who had been visiting the shop comes back in a hurry and explains that his legs would grow heavy every time he tried to visit the shop. It turns out that his strange behavior was the specter’s fault. He confesses his love to the shopkeeper, but she asks him to take things one step at the time, although she is flattered.

On their way to find another specter, the Love God stops time to talk to Azami in private. She is questioning her feelings for Aldo, as they are still underdeveloped. The Love God tells her that love has no rhyme or reason and narrates a tale from a long time ago: “A female specter met a human male. The spirit drew close, trying to scare him. But the man scolded her, saying: ‘There are humans who do not take kindly to specters. You had best keep your distance.’ Though his tone was sharp, the specter thought to herself: ‘There are some, yes. But you seem to be an exception.’ From that moment on, the specter trailed him around and talked to him every chance she got. As the days added up, she realized she wanted to spend the rest of her existence with him. The specter was no ordinary specter, for she could use magic – the kind capable of manipulating the ties between creatures. Even so, she never used it. Changing their relationship scared her. Potentially ruining their comfortable routine… Scared her. Getting what she wanted – him – scared her. Then, one day, she lost her body, and the two became separated. Time passed, and she could not find him through any magic she possessed. Even now, her soul remains, longing to be reunited with the man she fell in love with. If only she had used her power when they were together. Then, she wouldn’t still be carrying the weight of her regret.”

The Love God tells Azami to act on love while she can and unfreezes time to hunt for another specter in Izana, where they are spotted by the Princess who Azami serves: Lord Genshin’s daughter! She tells Azami that she was betrothed to someone, but he called off the engagement with a letter. She is thus on her way to confirm his intentions.

However, the young man appears and states that he called off the engagement after learning that she lied about him and said that he was a parasite leeching off her family’s good name. She objects, but one of the man’s lackeys informs him of additional bad rumors about the princess. Angered, Azami tries to attack the lackey, but Aldo defends him.

The lackey then reveals itself as a specter. Aldo and Azami kill it and the young man comes to his senses. He apologizes to the Princess, who forgives him. However, Azami wants to take her own life as punishment for raising her katana at one of her lady’s beloved, even though he turned out to be a specter.

Vehemently objecting, Aldo says that Azami’s unwavering fealty is something to be proud of, not punished, and that he will always be there for her. The princess thus orders Azami to travel under Aldo’s charge as a punishment, while Azami is left speechless by Aldo’s impassioned words. Her heart starts throbbing again and the Love God is excited that her love is growing.

After collecting the final offerings, they go to Kunlun Mountains to perform the ceremony. The Love God reveals that the story she told Azami was her own. The three specters that they defeated didn’t like that she was getting closer to a human, so they stole her crystal amulets that held her power, forcing her to flee to the West.

The Love God thus regains her true form, but asks for Azami’s body, admitting that she has been using her. Aldo and Azami are thus forced to fight her. After her defeat, the Love God feels remorseful and offers to grant Azami’s wish. However, Azami now feels like her true desire is just to stay by Aldo’s side and grow closer. The Love God feels her pure feelings and transforms her amulets into clothing for Azami, changing her to the Orihime Style. She then sends her to Izana, claiming that something good will happen. Aldo and Azami thus go back into town, where they run into the Princess, who thanks Aldo for preventing Azami’s unnecessary punishment. The Love God, looking from afar, comments to herself that the special clothes she gave Azami affect her environment, creating opportunities for Aldo and Azami to grow closer. Indeed, the Princess makes a reservation for the two of them to stay at the inn. Aldo accepts, while Azami panics at the idea of sleeping on the same bed as him before their wedding night!

Character Quest AS: The Samurai Sighs[edit]

Azami has obtained new clothes said to grant success in one’s love life. Her lady tells her to share an inn room with Aldo…?

Azami is still shocked that the Princess has booked the entire inn for her and Aldo, but is forced to accept her generous offer. Additionally, since it is still early, the Princess sends them to have a meal at the tavern first. However, she warns them that there have been reports of suspicious characters seemingly scouting the town. Upon hearing about it, Azami would like to protect the Princess, but cannot stay by her side due to her temporary punishment.

Aldo and Azami thus go to the tavern, where they enjoy a good meal, but Azami is still worried about the Princess. She freezes up again when she realizes how close Aldo has come to her and starts burning up when he touches her forehead to see if she has a fever. She starts running around in panic and bumps into a hidden specter, who sneaks away without being noticed, as the impact has sent Azami on top of Aldo, much to her embarrassment.

They then proceed to the inn, as Azami tries to hide her discomfort. Even in the room alone with her, Aldo is as dense as ever and proposes to go to bed early. He turns off the light, but Azami keeps him awake and tells him how happy she was to hear him say that she will always have him. Aldo then falls asleep, while Azami thinks about how close they are.

The next morning, Azami, who hasn’t been able to sleep all night, wakes Aldo up and goes out to take a breath of fresh air. Outside, two men are planning to attack her, as she is seemingly hunting down specters like them. Plotting to target the Princess to get to Azami, who has just stepped out and overheard them, they run away.

When Aldo comes out as well, Azami tells him that the Princess is in danger, so they rush to find her. They run into her in a crowd and most of the people turn out to be specters in disguise. They take the Princess hostage and tell Azami to kill Aldo in exchange for her life. After some hesitation, Azami resolves to comply, but the Princess orders her to stop. The Love God suddenly appears and distracts the specters, allowing Aldo and Azami to take the Princess to safety and finally kill the specters without worries.

After the fight, Azami feels horrible about pointing the katana at Aldo, although he understands why she did that. She then vows to the Princess that she will forsake everything and protect her with her life once she returns from her travels, but the Princess rejects her oath, stating that she doesn’t want to entrust her life to someone who has given up on everything but her, because someone who has abandoned all that once supported them may some day abandon her as well.

She thus orders Azami to be happy, stating that it is not in her nature to demand selfless devotion, because someone who protects those they love is someone she can trust to protect her. She then drags Azami away from Aldo and asks her if she likes him, much to her embarrassment. She gives Azami her seal of approval to marry him and assures her that her father would accept him with open arms. Finally, she orders her to confess her feelings somewhere with a nice view and pushes her towards Aldo.

Therefore, Azami takes him by the castle and musters the courage to ask him to… Go over there! Aldo thus goes to wait for her at the gate, while the Love God reveals herself. She has been keeping an eye on the situation and admits that she cannot give Azami someone’s heart. She has to reach out and take it herself, but she still doesn’t feel ready to tell him how she feels.