
From Another Eden Wiki

Dialogue with Audio

Story / Summon Cutscene

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
My name is Toova, but that's a name you shouldn't repeat too much. It's considered ill-omened.
Oh my, the thread of your life shines with such a strong light.
It's a little dazzling, but beautiful all the same. Perhaps you would permit me to come with you and see more of it.


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Limit Break

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Ready? With me!


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- Not available
- Not available


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Take this!


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Enemy Encounter

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Fall before me!
Don't waste my time.

Enemy Encounter (Horror)

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
Oh, what a bother.

Healing and Being Healed

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
Don't give up.
That's sweet of you.

Finish Off an Enemy

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It's the end.
The last attack!


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In the end, I am at peace.

Valor Chants

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I'll bring you down to earth.
I'll make you regret this!
I bestow a dark fate upon you.


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Is it over, I wonder?
You don't have what it takes.

Close Win

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Oh, that was close.

Dialogue without Audio


Before Summoning

English Transcription Japanese Transcription

I don't often see other living humans around here. Are you looking for bones, too?

Do yourself a favor and don't ask my name. It's considered a bad omen.

Hee hee... The thread of your life shines with an uncommonly bright light.

If fate wills it, we may meet again some other day.

When that happens... Well, we'll just have to wait and see.

あら…… こんなところに人なんて 珍しいわね。 あなたたちも 骨探しに?

私……? 私の名前は 聞かないほうがいいわ。 不吉だもの。

でも……ふふ。 あなたたちの 生命の輝きには 惹かれるものがあるわね。

もしも 縁があったら また どこかで会いましょう。

そのときには…… いえ 何でもないわ。

After Summoning

English Transcription Japanese Transcription

Oh, what a coincidence. What are you doing here?

Come find me if you're having trouble with stronger enemies. I'm sure I can be of service.

My friends here seem eager to share in your adventures, too.

Hm? You can't see anyone? Hee hee... You'll understand one day.

あら 奇遇ね。 この辺りに用事?

手強い敵がいる時は いつでも 呼んでちょうだい。 きっと 力になるわ。

この子たちも あなたたちのことが 気になっているようだし……。

え? 誰もいないじゃないかって? ふふ…… そのうち分かるわ。

After Character Quest 1

English Transcription Japanese Transcription

Did you come here just to see me?

You're a strange one, huh? Just like that old man.

You know the truth about me now, but it hasn't changed the way you treat me. That's...not normal.

The fact that I'm using necromancy on my own body would creep out most people.

Hee hee... Well, if it doesn't bother you, I won't let that bother me. Let me know if you ever need my help.

あら 私に会いにきてくれたの?

……先日の お爺さんもだけれど あなたたちも 不思議な人たちね。

なぜって…… 私の体のことを知っても これまで通り 声をかけてくれるんだもの。

自分の体に 死霊術をかけるなんて 普通の人は 気味悪がるでしょう?

ふふ…… 大丈夫よ。 気にしてるわけじゃないの。 また 何かあったら声をかけてね。

After Character Quest 2

English Transcription Japanese Transcription

Hello, my dears. Thanks again for your help.

I hadn't used that technique for some time. I was a little nervous, but it turned out all right.

You look surprised. You didn't think necromancy was the only string to my bow, did you?

Hee hee... I was once a regular, living mage you know. Is that so hard to believe?

あら あなたたち。 この間は ありがとうね。

久々に使う術ばかりで 緊張したけど…… うまくいって よかったわ。

え……? 死霊術以外にも あんな術が 使えるのには 驚いた?

ふふ…… これでも昔 魔術を 教えていたこともあるのよ。 意外かしら。

After Character Quest 3

English Transcription Japanese Transcription

Hello again, darlings. I can feel the bones rejoicing at your arrival. Hee hee...


You know, I never would have been able to see Orphia again if it hadn't been for you.

I've never really tried to make friends. Anyone I get close to would just die before me, so I've always just avoided the pain.

For some reason, when I'm with you, I just forget about all that. I can actually feel normal again.

I'll join you in your fight anytime. The underworld is always hungry for fresh souls.

Traveling the world may also help me find out why my body is the way it is...

Note: The last line is incorrect EN localization. In JP, Toova says "find purpose for this body," not "find out why my body is the way it is." (She knows exactly why her body is the way it is, as she's the one maintaining it with necromancy.)

あら ごきげんよう。 ふふ…… あなたたちに会えて 骨たちも喜んでるわ。


……あのね。 オルフィアに 会いに行けたのは あなたたちの おかげよ。

誰もが 私より早く死んでしまう。 だから 仲間なんて作っても 悲しいだけだと 思っていたのに。

……不思議なものね。 あなたたちと 一緒にいると それを忘れてしまいそうになるわ。

強敵と戦う時は 遠慮なく呼んで。 伊達に長生きはしていないもの。

それに…… この世界を見て回れば きっと こんな身体になった意味も 見つかると思うから。