Talk:Another Dungeon

From Another Eden Wiki

The list of Very Hard dungeons is missing Miglance Castle VH at level 66. Unfortunately the coding on this page was too complex for me to figure out how to insert another box at the bottom in the right spot. -- 15:39, 17 July 2019 (UTC)

That is just request pull from DB to pull all ADs based on Level numbers.

  • filter: where=LevelVeryHard IS NOT NULL AND LevelVeryHard != "-"

pulls only dungeons which have LevelVeryHard field defined with something exept Null and -
Hard dungeon requiest pull in comparison pulls every AD availabe without filter.
So it was bug with Miglance not having numbers in levels in DB (bug made by me, and fixed after few days). Just needed to resave page Miglance Castle (Another Dungeon) to put right data in DB again. Fixed --voiddp

Resolved- Link to Hard AD Present Garulea Continent points to corrupted Grasta test page[edit]

Link to Hard AD Present Garulea Continent points to corrupted Grasta test page: which has some parts of the AD, but minimaps are corrupted, and completion rewards.class change tomes.H:codices = needs updating to 9 released codices total, 0.9% total rate per reward slot, and add codex for Toova ES if the AE devs did their job. I also posted this to the testpage discussion page.