Side Quests/A Song Lost in the Flow of a River

From Another Eden Wiki
A Song Lost in the Flow of a River
Suggested Level 30

Previous Quest Cleared

Start Location Rinde
Gem.png x304 q.png
Release Date Jan 28, 2019


Kasim in Rinde wants to do something about the spreading rumor about a Mermaid...
Bonus: This is a prerequisite quest for The Mermaid Princess at the Royal Theater.


  • Head to the cape of Serena Coast with Kasim once again.
  • Travel to Unigan and request the services of a bard at the tavern.
  • Head over to Karek Swampland and defeat the Cruel Lizzy for its string materials.
  • Deliver the material to the bard so he can repair his lute and compose a song for Kasim.
  • Head back to the cape of Serena Coast and hear his song.