
From Another Eden Wiki

Dialogue with Audio

Story / Summon Cutscene

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
*Yawn* Sorry, I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. What was I supposed to --
Oh right! I'm Mighty. I'm a student at the IDA school, and -- *Yawn*
Y'know, things are getting a little too crazy, lately. If you're trying to make the world peaceful again, you can count on me to help.


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Limit Break

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Everyone together!


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- Not available
- Not available


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Here I come!


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Enemy Encounter

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Oagh, I'm awake!
I don't think I'm dreaming!

Enemy Encounter (Horror)

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That's crazy!

Healing and Being Healed

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I'll give you some power!

Finish Off an Enemy

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Good night!


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This is a nightmare, right!?

Valor Chants

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So sleepy.. But I got this!
Givin' it my all!
This is my true power!


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*Yawn* I'm so sleepy...
Pretty good, huh?

Close Win

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We were almost dead meat!

Dialogue without Audio


Before Summoning

English Transcription Japanese Transcription
Zzzzz... Mnn...

Mm? *yaaawn* You found me pretty quick today, huh?

Uh, wait a minute... You guys aren't my teachers.

In that case, back to sleep for me! ...Zzz...

ぐぅ…… ぐぅ……

ん……? ふあぁ……。 今日は ずいぶん早く 見つかっちゃったなぁ。

って…… あれ? よく見たら 君たち 先生じゃないねー。

じゃあ もう一眠り……。 ぐぅ……

After Summoning

English Transcription Japanese Transcription

Mm? *yaaawn* It's a perfect day for an afternoon nap...

I know it looks like I spend all my time here sleeping, but don't worry.

I do go to class, too. ‘Course, I just sleep right through them...

Back to sleep for me. ...Zzz...

ん……? ふあぁ……。 やっほー 今日も昼寝日和だねー。

えー? いつも ここで寝てて 大丈夫なのかって?

心配しないでー。 ちゃんと 授業中も 寝てるからさー。

じゃあ もう一眠り……。 ぐぅ……

After Character Quest 1

English Transcription Japanese Transcription
*yawn* Oh. Hi, guys.

Sometimes when I wake up from my naps here I find little plates of food in front of me.

I guess I should be happy someone's looking out for me. Still weird, though...

ふぁ…… 君たちかー。

ねー 聞いてよ。 最近 ここで寝てると 足元に 食べ物とかが 置いてあるんだー。

知らない お婆ちゃんが 目の前で 手を合わせてることもあるし。 不思議だよねー。

After Character Quest 2

English Transcription Japanese Transcription

*yawn* ...Hi, guys...

I've decided to learn from cats and sleep whenever I feel like it.

...I guess that's not much different from what I usually do, huh?

*yawn* Gotta work again tonight... Sure have been getting a lot of jobs lately. Maybe you guys could...

No, sorry. It's nothing. Everyone deserves to get a good night's sleep.

むにゃ…… やぁ みんなー。

猫を見習って 気ままに 寝てみることにしたよー。

今までと 何も変わらない? あはは 言われてみれば そうかもねー。

ふあぁ…… 今夜も仕事かぁ。 最近 また活発になってきてるし もしかしたら みんなにも……

いや 何でもないよー。 誰だって 寝るときくらい リラックスしていたいよねぇ。

After Character Quest 3

English Transcription Japanese Transcription

Hi, guys. Thanks again for your help.

I don't think I coulda taken down that Nightmare nearly as fast without you.

Lemme know if you want to do it again. New Nightmares are popping up all the time.

Finally, I can sleep easy... Zzz...

やぁ みんなー。 この間は ありがとねー。

手伝ってもらったから 手際よく 『夢魔』を倒せたよー。

また気が向いたら 力を貸してね。 『夢魔』は 定期的に現れるからさー。

これで僕も 安心して眠れるよー。 ぐぅ……。