
From Another Eden Wiki

Dialogue with Audio

Story / Summon Cutscene

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
My name's Lokido. I'm half human, half beast. I may look alien, but my heart's as human as they come.
I'd be honored to join you on your journey, and take down those foul beasts.
Put your trust in me, and my mighty fists will lay our enemies low.


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Limit Break

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My friends hopes are in my hands.


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- Not available
- Not available


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I'll break you!


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Enemy Encounter

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Bring it on!
I'm your enemy!

Enemy Encounter (Horror)

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Will my fists hold true?

Healing and Being Healed

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Hold strong.

Finish Off an Enemy

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You're done.


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These fists. It wasn't enough.

Valor Chants

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I'm gonna knock you out.
I will break you!
All my power is in these fists!


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There's no rival to my fists!
That all? I've got more power to show you.

Close Win

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Ah? A pitiful display.

Dialogue without Audio


Before Summoning

English Transcription Japanese Transcription

Hm. I don't get people wanting to shoot the breeze with me very often.

I ain't nothing to be afraid of. These fists of mine are for pummeling beasts, not humans.

You probably think I'm weird for turning on my kinsmen, right?

Huh, people usually laugh when I say that. You really are some odd ducks.

俺に話しかけるとは 妙な連中だ。 お前たちは 俺が恐くないのか?

安心しろ。俺の拳は 人間を襲うためのものではない。 魔獣を倒すためにあるのだ。

魔獣が 魔獣と戦うなど おかしい話だと思うだろう?

……ふん。笑わなかったのは お前たちが初めてだ。 本当に 妙な連中だな……。

After Summoning

English Transcription Japanese Transcription
Oh, hey guys.

Don't leave me out of any mission involving fighting beasts, okay? I'll be here if you need me.

And I do mean right here, not over in town.

I don't exactly fit in among humans, looking the way I do.

You're the first ones who've ever accepted me. Thanks for that.


俺は いつでもここにいる。

魔獣を倒しにいくときは ぜひ声をかけてくれ。

……なに? 街で暮らさないのか だと?

……ああ。この姿では 人々を 驚かせてしまうからな。

お前たちという居場所ができた。 それだけで 俺は十分すぎるほど幸福だ。

After Character Quest 1

English Transcription Japanese Transcription

Urgh, it keeps falling off!

Oh, hey. Great timing. I got given this bracelet made of flowers, but I can't figure out...

What? This is for my head?

Whoops, how embarrassing... Well, since it was made for me and everything, I'd better wear it.

これは どう着ければいいのだ……?

ああ いいところに。 花でできた輪っかを もらったのだが これは腕に はめるものだろうか。

なに…… 頭にかぶる?

な 何とも気恥ずかしいな……。 だが 折角の贈り物だ。 ありがたく着けさせてもらおう。

After Character Quest 2

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Oh, hey guys.

Don't look so glum, I wasn't run out of town or anything. I just like listening to the roar of the waves.

The townsfolk are still a little edgy, but they're starting to get used to me.

The beastfolk, they're another story. They've been attacking the capital night and day. It's like war is all they live for.

I don't ever want to be like them. Just let me know if you need me and I'll lend these fists of mine.


なに 心配するな。 街から追い出されたわけではない。 潮騒が 懐かしくてな。

街の人々も ぎこちなくではあるが 俺に 話しかけてくれるようになってきた。

……それに比べて 魔獣はどうだ。 昼夜を問わず 王都への襲撃ばかり。 争うことしか考えていない。

やはり魔獣を許すことはできん。 俺の拳が必要になったら すぐに声をかけてくれ。

After Character Quest 3

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Oh, hey guys.

I've been trying to talk to people about peaceful resolutions and coexistence like my dad wanted.

I don't think they're ready to hear it yet. The world Pop was dreaming of is still a helluva long way off.

I won't give up, though. I'll prove to everyone that the love between my parents was the real deal.

I used to hate the way I look, but I realize now my heritage puts me in a unique position. Maybe that's something to take pride in.


あれから 父の遺志を継いで 少しずつ 人間と魔獣の共存を 説きはじめてみたが……

やはり そう上手くはいかん。 父の歩んできた道は 想像を絶するほど 長く険しいものだ。

だが 俺は諦めん。 必ずや 父と母の愛が 本物だったと 皆に証明してみせよう。

……産まれを恨んだこともあったが それで得たものもある。 この姿は 俺の誇りだ。