
From Another Eden Wiki

Dialogue with Audio

Story / Summon Cutscene

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio


English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio

Limit Break

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
We can't miss this chance!
We can do this!


English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
- Not available
- Not available


English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio


English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio

Enemy Encounter

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
Fight according to plan.
I've got a strategy for this fight.

Enemy Encounter (Horror)

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio

Healing and Being Healed

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
Don't be reckless!
Thank you!

Finish Off an Enemy

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
Never again!


English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
It all fell apart...

Valor Chants

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
You gotta have teamwork.


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A battle is something you create!
Let them rest.

Close Win

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Everyone okay?

Dialogue without Audio


Before Summoning

English Transcription Japanese Transcription
(During IDA Episode 1)

If you have finished here, let's hurry to the next objective. We don't have time to be hanging around.

(After IDA Episode 1)

You lot really helped me out before. On behalf of IDEA, I would just like to thank you for all you've done.

Don't worry about Saki. It's been a slow process, but she's gradually returning to everyday life.

However, we still don't know the whole truth behind the dark apple incident.

The investigation has slowed right down. New information comes in everyday but we're no closer to solving the case.

Just who and why anybody would give out those dark apples to students is beyond me though.

Whoever it was and for whatever malicious reason, we will not give up. That's the IDEA way.

(During IDA Episode 1)

準備が出来たら 次の目的地へ急ごう あまり時間もないからね。

(After IDA Episode 1)

キミたちか。この間は助かったよ。 IDEAを代表して 改めて 礼を言わせてほしい。

サキは 少しずつだけれど 日常に 戻りつつあるようだ。 もう 心配はいらなそうだね。

……しかし ヤミリンゴ事件…… その真相は 未だ闇の中だ。 残念ながらね。

……捜査は後手に回っている。 日々 情報が 入ってきてはいるが\ そこから犯人に たどり着くにはまだ……。

一体 誰がなんの目的で ヤミリンゴを配り IDAスクールの学生を 陥れようと しているのか……。

いずれにせよ…… どんな悪が待っていようと 我々は諦めない。 それがIDEAだからね。

After Summoning

English Transcription Japanese Transcription
(During IDA Episode 1)

If you have finished here, let's hurry to the next objective. We don't have time to be hanging around.

(After IDA Episode 1)

Oh hey, you guys. Thanks for your help the other day.

That case would have proved very difficult to solve if you hadn't lent us a hand in the investigation.

Of course, I always repay a favor.

If you are ever in need of my assistance, just let me know. No matter where you are, I'll come running.

(During IDA Episode 1)

準備が出来たら 次の目的地へ急ごう あまり時間もないからね。

(After IDA Episode 1)

やあ キミたちじゃないか。 先日は助かったよ。

キミたちの助力がなければ 事件の解決は 難しかったかもしれない。

もちろん 借りた恩は きちんと返させてもらうさ。

用があったら いつでも 呼んでくれたまえ。 どこへなりとも 駆けつけるよ。

After Character Quest 1

English Transcription Japanese Transcription

I devised a policy the moment I became head of IDEA.

A group full of uniform members may be easy to control, but is fundamentally weak.

A group focused on each individual's talents, however, becomes difficult to lead, and thus produces poor results.

How to fix this problem, you might ask.

My answer to that issue, is the IDEA you know now.

I give each exceptional IDEAlist a large jurisdiction to work in. I just provide any necessary resources.

Each IDEAlist works freely, and only when needed, cooperates with other members to produce the best results.

This may all sound quite idealistic, but it really works. The results speak for themselves.

Although, since the only requirement for being an IDEAlist is talent, we have ended up with more than a few oddballs.

わたしがIDEAの会長に 就任する時 決めた方針があってね。

個の才に差が少なく 標準化された集団は 統率しやすいが 力がない……

逆に一人一人の才能が 突出した集団は 統率が難しく 破綻しやすい。 チームとして成果が 出にくいとも言える。

そのジレンマを 解消するには……?

その問いに対する わたしの答えが 今のIDEAさ。

突出したメンバーに 大きな裁量を渡し 彼らをサポートする機能を用意する。

メンバーは自律的に動き 必要に応じて 有機的に協力し合い 最終的には 組織として成果を出す。

理想論に聞こえるかもしれないが…… 今のところは うまくいっている。

まぁ…… 才能以外のことは問わないから 変人も多いがね。

After Character Quest 2

English Transcription Japanese Transcription

Regardless of the era, it seems there will always exist people who do wrong in the world.

A sad truth, but nonetheless, one we must face head on.

For the moment, however, I'm just glad there were no serious casualties.

It was a close call, but we were also able to stop the Minister from fleeing the country as well.

And let's not forget my promotion to "Captain of Everyone's Hearts." Not a bad title to have, I suppose.

どこの時代にも 悪事を働くものは 一定数 存在するものだね……。

嘆かわしいことではあるけれど それはどうやら 真理らしい。

でも……ひとまず 犠牲者が出ずに 済んでよかったよ。

ギリギリの駆け引きだったけれど どうにか 大臣の国外逃亡も 阻止することができた。

しかし 心の隊長とは……。 ふふ……会長以外の立場も 時には悪くないのかもね。

After Character Quest 3

English Transcription Japanese Transcription

Well, hello. My thanks for helping out one of my IDEAlists the other day.

I always thought Curio was just too pure. I was like a big sister to all of the kids at the facility.

But Curio was always the one who required the most attention. He seemed so terrified of the outside world.

I think that's why he broke the way he did, after the experiments.

But that's exactly why I have to bring him in myself.

And when I do, he's going to get a real earful from me. I'm the only one who can do that for him.

Note: EN localization mistake in 1st line.

Isuka is talking about how Aldo helped out in Character Quest 3 involving her "relative" Curio.

She's not referring to one of her IDEAlist member.

ああ……キミたちか。 この間は 身内が世話をかけたね。

キュリオは…… やはり純粋すぎたんだ。 あの施設の中で わたしは他の子供達の 姉のような立場だったが……

あの子は 一番の甘えん坊だった。 常に外からの刺激に 怯えているようにも 見えた……。

だからきっと その心が度重なる実験で 壊れてしまったのかも しれない……。

だからこそ…… キュリオは わたしが捕らえるさ。 いつの日か 必ずね。

そして 今度こそ叱ってあげないとね。 ……あの子に そうしてあげられるのは わたしの他に 誰もいないのだから。