Heavenly Scales

From Another Eden Wiki
Guidelines to descriptions. For character filter buttons to work properly and for Template:Roles text parser to detect Roles:
  • use exact same phrases in descriptions, or follow guidelines in Role.
  • Numbers/words in the middle of single <Role phrase> break detection. Unless several <phrases> are joined with "+", then anything can be added between.
  • lower/Uppercases do NOT matter
  • Action type part of skill Role is detected by ActionType skill parameter (Prayer, Song, Aura, Start of Turn, End of Turn, Preemptive, Delayed, Counter, Battle Start)
  • Using different rows of text for different targeted effects is advised (single target and partywide on same row may lead to false roles)
    • Target phrases: <all [main and reserve] party members>, <all enemies>, <a [random] single enemy>
Expand Phrases List
  • Specific to user Basic attack (Bold <Basic attack:>)
  • Basic attack replacer (<replaces the basic attack>)
  • Role: Zone_Name (<Deploy> + <Zone Name>)
  • Role: ZoneAwaken (<Awaken> + <Another Zone> + [<once per battle>]): for "multiple" drop last phrase
  • Role: Lunatic: (<Activate> + <Lunatic>)
  • Role: Counter Physical Or/And Magical: (ActionType=Counter) (<magically> + <physically> + <attacked>)
  • Role: Healer (<Restore target*>)
  • Role: Team MP restore (<Restore target* <MP / HP and MP / MP and HP>>), (<mp regen> + <target*>):same line, any order
  • Role: Team HP Regen (<Regen>+<target*>): same line any order
  • Role: Team Max HP+ (<Max HP> + <target*>): same line, target after phrase
  • Role: Team Max MP+ (<Max HP> + <target*>): same line, any order
  • Role: Status Clear (<Restore all statuses>)
  • Role: Status Immunity (<Status immunity> + <target*>): same line, any order
  • Role: KnockbackImmunity Team/Single (<Knockback Immunity> + <target*>): any order, single if no party target on same line.
  • Role: Team MP costs down (<mp consumption of target*>): only party is detected

Guidelines remake is in process, bellow this line are old uncorrected phrases

  • Role: Barrier (<Barrier to all party members>)
  • Role: Shield (<Give Shield to all party members>)
  • Role: HoldGround (<Hold Ground to all party members>)
  • Role: Team Crit Rate (<Critical rate of all party members>)
  • Role: Team Crit Damge (<Critical damage of all party members>)
  • Role: Team Magic Crit Rate (<Magic critical rate of all party members>)
  • Role: Team Crit Rate + Team Magic Crit Rate <Critical rate and Magic critical rate of all party members>
  • Role: Mental Focus, team only (<Mental Focus>)
  • Role: Singular Focus, team only (<Singular Focus>)
  • Role: Eagle Eyes (<Eagle eyes to all party members>)
  • Role: Multi-Upgrade (<Multi-Upgrade> to all party members or self)
  • Role: Barrier Pierce (<Barrier Pierce> to all party members or self)
  • Role Link (<Give Link to all party members>)
  • Role: Enemy Level Damage (<Overthrow>)
  • Role: Inflict Poison (<Inflict Poison>)
  • Role: Inflict Pain (<Inflict Pain>)
  • Role: Inflict Rage (<Inflict Rage>)
  • Role: Inflict Break (<Inflict Break>)
  • Role: Inflict Elemental Break (Inflict <Elemental Break>)
  • Role: Inflict <status> Guaranteed - add (<Ignore target resistance>)
  • Role: Ele\All type Resistance Buff (<type resistance +>,<type resistance of all party members +>,)
  • Role: Physical Resistance Buff (<physical resistance +>,<physical resistance of all party members +>,)
  • Role: Ele\All type Resistance Debuff (<type resistance ->,<type resistance of all enemies ->,)
  • Role: Physical Resistance Debuff (<physical resistance ->,<physical resistance of all enemies ->,)
  • Role: Weapon Resistance Debuff (<slash resistance of all enemies ->,<blunt resistance of all enemies ->,<magic resistance of all enemies ->,<pierce resistance of all enemies ->)
  • Role: Ele\Null Damage Buff (<type attack +>,<type attack of all party members +>)
  • Role: Kaleido <(Kaleido)>
  • Role: Flexible (<grants Flexible>)
  • Role: AF (<Restore AF gauge>)
  • Role: AF Gauge Restore+ (<All party members' attacks gain additional +0.5\% (per move) to amount of Another Force gauge recharge>)
  • Role: Weakness Mod (<weakness multiplier>)
    • Must contain parts of phrases about target zone and uses:
      • Either <%once per battle%> or anything else ex. <multiple times per battle>
      • Either <%specific name of stance%>
      • Or <% When % Elemental/Attack Type % >

Self buff Roles

  • Role: Guard (<Guard to user>)
  • Role: Cover (<Activates Cover>)
  • Role: Shield (categories the same as party wide)
  • Role: Barrier Pierce (categories the same as party wide)
  • Role: Multi-Upgrade (categories the same as party wide)
  • Role: Enemy Level Damage (Overthrow) (categories the same as party wide)
  • Description should contain <Buffname (<of user>, <on self>) +xx%>
Table with skill Sizes and Mods
Skill Size Multipliers Table
Basic attack Physical Non-Elemental 100%
Skill Target Skill Type Element Skill S M L XL XXL
Single Target Physical Non-Elemental 150% 170% 190% 210% 260%
Elemental 140% 160% 180% 200% 250%
Magical Non-Elemental 140% 160% 180% 200% 250%
Elemental 130% 150% 170% 190% 240%
AoE Physical Non-Elemental 110% 130% 150% 170% 220%
Elemental 100% 120% 140% 160% 210%
Magical Non-Elemental 100% 120% 140% 160% 210%
Elemental 90% 110% 130% 150% 200%
Expand Order of actions to apply not detected Role:
  1. Change text description of skill and Save
  2. Edit and Save character page.
  3. "Purge Cache" on filter page, to see your changes immediately.

Skill Roles parser results(DB query)
does not update on page preview
To update detected roles after saving changes press purge_cache

Skill stack power type1.png Heavenly Scales
Battle StartWhen 3+ Light allies or 3+ Shadow allies are on the frontline: Stack 1 Skill stack power type1.png Heavenly Scales on user
MP Cost MP
Multiplier (non-crit)
  1. default = N/A [1]
Critical Multiplier (optional) Equal to non-crit
Element None
Skill Type Stack
Unlock Condition(s) N/A

Characters with Heavenly Scales

New roles parser is inside Notice Box above
  1. Investigated skill effects and modifiers may be also found on these sites (use google translate): anothereden.game-info, blog.csdn.net/anothereden,anaden-yakata