
From Another Eden Wiki

Dialogue with Audio

Story / Summon Cutscene

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
I am master Gariyu! One who controls the twisting infernos from both above and below.
My flames burn brightest when they consume the bodies of my enemies.
They shriek as they are vaporized! Their cries ring in the ears of those who would challenge me.


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Limit Break

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Follow your master!


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- Not available
- Not available


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Enemy Encounter

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You want me to take on these worms?
You're going to be vaporized.

Enemy Encounter (Horror)

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This one looks fun!

Healing and Being Healed

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What a nuisance!
How thoughtful.

Finish Off an Enemy

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Final blast!
It's done!


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You're joking. A master like me? Beaten.

Valor Chants

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What complete dimwits!
I'll make you ashes!
Leave the rest to the master!


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The results were obvious, right?
What a boring fight.

Close Win

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We were careless.

Dialogue without Audio


Before Recruitment

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Gariyu: I've been waiting for you.

Where did you and the Flame Eater disappear to, huh?

I haven't been able to sense either of your presences since then.

Aldo: Uh... It's a long story...

But now you're here, I have something for you.

Gariyu: What's this?

Aldo: It's Flame Eater Ash. You needed this stuff, right?

Gariyu: You're telling me YOU defeated a Flame Eater? You?!

Aldo: Yeah. Of course. Sort of. I had a little help with finishing it off...

Gariyu: Ha ha ha! How about that?

Sorry buddy, you got the wrong end of the stick. I got no use for Flame Eater Ash.

I just wanted to burn that bird to ashes to prove my flame magic is the best of the best!

Aldo: Oh, okay...

Gariyu: Heh heh... You defeated the Flame Eater, so I got no more interest in that old bird.

I'm ready for the next challenge!

Aldo: (Uh-oh, I have a really bad feeling about this!)

Gariyu: You burned the bird to ashes...

That means now I gotta incinerate you!

Aldo: Sometimes I hate being right!

Gariyu: Time for you to dance into the inferno! Bloom, my crimson flowers! Burn, burn, burn!

Gariyu: ……貴様のことを 待っていた。

あのとき 貴様と ヒクイドリは どこに消えた?

あれ以来…… ヒクイドリの気配すら 感じられん。

Aldo: それは…… うまく説明できないけど……

あ…… そうそう ガリユに 渡したい物があるんだ。

Gariyu: これは……?

Aldo: 『ヒクイドリの灰』だよ。 手に入れたかったんだろう?

Gariyu: まさか 貴様が ヒクイドリを倒したのか!?

Aldo: ああ……一応…… そういうことになるのか? とどめを刺せたのは ちょっとした事故だけど……。

Gariyu: ククク……面白い……!

勘違いをしているようだが オレ様は『ヒクイドリの灰』など ほしくはない。

最強の炎使いであることを 証明するために ヒクイドリを 灰にしたかっただけだ。

Aldo: なんだ……そうだったのか。

Gariyu: ククク…… 貴様に倒されたヒクイドリの ことなど もう何の興味もない。


Aldo: (うわっ!? 嫌な予感しかしない!)

Gariyu: ヒクイドリを灰にした男を……


Aldo: やっぱり そう来たか!

Gariyu: その瞳に刻め! 我が獄炎を! 神世の焔で 紅蓮に燃え上がれ!

After Recruitment

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The Nadara Volcano is kind of like my home turf.

Taking a dip in the magma always picked me up when I was feeling down.

It may be a little too hot for regular folks like you, though!

ナダラ火山は オレ様の故郷とも言える場所だ。

こうして マグマ浴をしていると 身体の中に 力が湧いてくる……

普通のヤツには 少し温度が高すぎかもしれんがな!

After Character Quest 1

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Come to think of it, weren't we s'posed to be checking out that future technology stuff?

Remember, the flames you used to roast that Flame Eater?

Next chance you get, take me to whoever made that, so I can show 'em what real fire looks like!

そういえば 未来の炎を見てくるのを 忘れていたか……。

ヒクイドリを 灰にしたとかいう未来の炎……

次の機会には 炎の支配者たるオレ様が 直々に 見定めてくれよう!

After Character Quest 2

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Salamander is the fire spirit that watches over this region.

I made a point of knowing all about him. What can I say, I feel a kind of affinity with the guy.

Just like him, people are gonna speak my name with fear and wonder for hundreds of years to come!

火の精霊の頂点に 君臨するのが サラマンダーだ。

最強の炎使いとしては ヤツの名を意識しないわけには いかん。

ヤツと同じように オレ様の名も はるか未来まで 語り継がせてみせよう!

After Character Quest 3

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I've been thinking about the past a lot lately. Can't help myself.

He gave me food whenever I was hungry...

He gave me medicine whenever I was sick...


Geez, old man...

Why... Why?!

あれから やけに 昔のことが蘇りやがる……

腹が減ったと言えば メシを与えやがったこと。

病気のオレ様に 薬草を持ってきやがったこと。



くそったれの ジジイどもめ……