Forgotten Tale: Unborn Visions (Another Dungeon)/Mechanics

From Another Eden Wiki


The first three maps of the Another Dungeon are all the same, but at the end of the third map, you have a choice between four routes, each corresponding to one of the Tales characters. When you pick a route, the corresponding Tales character stands a chance of gaining Light/Shadow if they are in the party. You can pick a route without needing to have its corresponding Tales character available.

Tip: Free characters Violet and Cress together can single-turn KO two of the horrors (Wicked Orcizzy & Iron Overrunner) and two of the bosses (Logi & Aegir) with use of Cress' Slash Zone and Violet's Sword Dance skill.

Each map contains a specific set of enemies that you can fight:

Map Name Enemies
Chased by Flames Flame Feather, Mag-Mag, Lava Tortoise, Scorching Magic Mud
Journey Reflected in Waves Water Feather, Orcizzy, Evil Moray, Wicked Orcizzy
Crossroads of Choice Watcher, Garrison Unit, Sentinel, Iron Overrunner
Flames of the Apocalypse Logi
Crumbling Earth of the End Fornjot
Vortex of Demise Aegir
Wind that Heralds Doom Kari