
From Another Eden Wiki

Dialogue with Audio

Story / Summon Cutscene

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
Hello! My name is Ciel. My special skill is singing!
I worked really hard at it back when I was a soprano in the choir.
I'd be happy to come along with you! I hope I can help you out somehow.


English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio

Limit Break

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
This is our chance!


English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
- Not available
- Not available


English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio


English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio

Enemy Encounter

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
When I shoot, I never miss.
I won't lose! Here I come!

Enemy Encounter (Horror)

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
Wow. He looks strong.

Healing and Being Healed

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
Are you okay?
Wow, I needed that.

Finish Off an Enemy

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
You're finished!
It's over!


English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
Argh, we're done for.

Valor Chants

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
I'll do it.
Do your best. I'll support you!
This time I'll do my best.


English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
Hehehe, we won!
I'll sing a victory song, hehe.

Close Win

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
Wow, that was a hard fight.

Dialogue without Audio


Before Summoning

English Transcription Japanese Transcription
Hm-hm hmm hmm ♪

Whoops, did you hear me?

Oh, you liked the tune? My voice sounds...pretty

Aw, you're making me blush. I used to be part of a choir, you know!

Are you folks traveling around? That sounds like fun!


あっ 聞かれちゃいました?

えっ 綺麗な歌声だった ですか?

えへへー 照れちゃいますね。 これでも 昔は 楽団で歌ってましたから!

みなさんは 旅の方たちですか? なんだか 楽しそうですねー!

After Summoning

English Transcription Japanese Transcription
Travel, adventure, the open road!

I'm so excited!

I got to see some of the floating islands when I was touring with the orchestral choir, but this is totally different.

Just call if you need my help, and I'll come running!

You won't find a better harpist slash vocalist than me!

旅だよ 冒険だよっ。


ボク 楽団の興行で 浮遊島を 渡り歩いてたけど こんな大冒険は 初めて!

ボクの力が必要になったら 何でも言ってね!

歌と ハープは 誰にも 負けないからっ!

After Character Quest 1

English Transcription Japanese Transcription
Hee hee ♪

I'm so happy!

Hm? Why do I look so chipper?

I'm just thrilled to finally have a strong, dependable big brother!

I can't help but smile ♪



えっ? 何をそんなに 喜んでるのかって?

そんなの決まってるよー! 念願の お兄ちゃんが できたんだから!

えへー 顔がにやけちゃうなぁ♪

After Character Quest 2

English Transcription Japanese Transcription
Hm, should I go with red? Or maybe blue?

Oh, hi guys. I was just thinking about that new dress. I can't wait to try it on!

The only dresses I've got to wear before were all hand-me-downs from my sister...

It's going to be so cool having a new one custom made just for me!

赤もいいなー 青もいいなー♪

あ みんな! ドレスって 着るのを想像するだけで わくわくしちゃうよねー!

ボク ドレスは お姉ちゃんの お下がりしか 着たことがなかったから……

いつか 自分のためだけの ドレスが着てみたいなぁ!