
From Another Eden Wiki

Dialogue with Audio

Story / Summon Cutscene

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
An honor to make your acquaintence. I am Akane, a samurai in training.
The way you fight with all you have for the sake of others inspires me greatly.
I may be inexperienced, but my skills are yours to command.


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Limit Break

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Trust me!


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- Not available
- Not available


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Enemy Encounter

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Now, let us fight fairly!
Here's the frontal attack!

Enemy Encounter (Horror)

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It is a superior enemy!

Healing and Being Healed

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Let me help.
I feel better.

Finish Off an Enemy

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It is over!


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I have regrets...

Valor Chants

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Leave this to me!
I will not hold back!
I will take you all on!


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That was for everyone around the world!
I'm still learning, but we won!

Close Win

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I thought we were done for!

Dialogue without Audio


Before Summoning

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Who? What? Where? Is this a sneak attack?! I won't go down so easi—

Oh, wait... You're not assassins?

Hmm... I don't sense any killing intent from you. I'm sorry I was so hasty.

"Just as a skilled hawk hides its talons, a truly great samurai chooses their battles wisely."

That's one of the pieces of advice my brother was always telling me.


自分の後ろに立つとは 相当の使い手と見ました! いざ尋常に……

む…… 敵ではないから 刀を抜くな?

……確かに 殺気を感じませんね。 たいへん失礼しました!

『能ある鷹は爪を隠す。 優れたサムライも また 簡単には 鯉口を切らぬものだ』

自分 いつも 兄上に言われてましたから!

After Summoning

English Transcription Japanese Transcription
Hi everybody!

How is your journey going?

I'm still nothing compared to my brother, but I'll serve you well!

Put me in infantry, cavalry, anything! I'll give it my all.

I'm totally clueless about horses and military strategy, but as long as I have my katana, I'll work something out!

Note: In JP script, Akane asks for the lead vanguard ("first spear") and the solo assault ("lone gallop") combat roles.

But because she misinterprets those terms literally, she mistakenly thinks they actually involve spear and horse.



自分 まだまだ兄上には及びませんが 皆さんの 刃となる所存です!

一番槍でも 単騎駆けでも 何でも 申しつけてください!

自分 槍も馬も 丸っきりですが 刀一本あれば 何でも できちゃいますから!

After Character Quest 1

English Transcription Japanese Transcription

The sweets around here are completely different from the ones back home.

It's hard to put into words exactly what's so different, but the taste is absolutely wonderful!

"A true warrior must cultivate a varied and discerning palette."

That's another of my brother's favorite aphorisms.

Note: In JP script, Shion's quote is not an aphorism.

His quip is about how Akane's insensitive taste palette causes her to claim everything tastes delicious.

こちらの菓子は 故郷の菓子とは 全く違いますね!

何が違うかと聞かれると うまくは 言えませんが! どちらも たいへん美味でした!

『お前の舌は 大味にすぎる。 何を食っても 美味いとしか言わん』

……と 兄上には いつも呆れられていました!

After Character Quest 2

English Transcription Japanese Transcription

I feel great having repaid my friend for her past kindness.

It's nice to be the one helping someone else out for a change.

Since I left home, I've run into trouble plenty of times, but someone's always stepped in to get me out of my jams.

That includes all of you. I'm grateful for all your help!

If there's anything I can do to repay you even a little, just say the word and I'll jump right to it!

恩返しというのは 気持ちのいいものですね!

自分 いつも 助けられてばかりですから!

あの旅人さんだけでなく たくさんの人のおかげで いま自分は ここに立ってます!

もちろん 皆さんにも 感謝してますよ!

自分には 刀しかありませんが この一振りで 少しでも 恩返しさせてください!