
From Another Eden Wiki

Dialogue with Audio

Story / Summon Cutscene

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
Tremble in awe. You're in the presence of Suzette, dark princess of the netherworld!
The myriad of lost souls within me will keep you safe. Even unto...


English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio

Limit Break

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio


English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
- Not available
- Not available


English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio


English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio

Enemy Encounter

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
Unleash the power of the spirit world!
Bow before me!

Enemy Encounter (Horror)

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio

Healing and Being Healed

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
Soothing shadows.
Not bad.

Finish Off an Enemy

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
I'll destroy you!


English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio

Valor Chants

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
Come to me, power of the spirit world!
I pledge myself to the shadows.


English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
My sin is that I'm too powerful!
Pride comes before the fall.

Close Win

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio

Stellar Awakening

Note that the following voice lines are unlocked after the character is Stellar Awakened.

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
zodiac_burst File:Voice suzette zodiac burst.ogg
zodiac_cat File:Voice suzette zodiac cat.ogg
zodiac_encount_first File:Voice suzette zodiac encount first.ogg
zodiac_encount_second File:Voice suzette zodiac encount second.ogg
zodiac_win_first File:Voice suzette zodiac win first.ogg
zodiac_win_second File:Voice suzette zodiac win second.ogg
zodiac_rest File:Voice suzette zodiac rest.ogg
zodiac_photo File:Voice suzette zodiac photo.ogg
zodiac_lunch File:Voice suzette zodiac lunch.ogg
zodiac_join File:Voice suzette zodiac join.ogg
zodiac_idle File:Voice suzette zodiac idle.ogg
zodiac_gift File:Voice suzette zodiac gift.ogg

Dialogue without Audio


Before Summoning

English Transcription Japanese Transcription

Hee hee... I got myself a coupon for a free fruit tart from La Vie En Rose...

Huh? Hey, what are you doing here? It's rude to eavesdrop, you know.

Just who are you guys anyway?

You're not...from the Netherworld, are you?!

Nothing can hide from my cursed left eye. I see right through your disguises!

... Uh, the planets aren't in their optimal alignments yet. Let's do this another day.

ふふふ……このクーポンがあれば ラヴィアンローズの フルーツタルトを……。

む? なんですの? 盗み聞きとは 趣味が悪いですわ!

一体あなた 何者ですの?

さては……魔界からの使者……!? 真実を見抜く わたくしの魔眼で…… その正体を暴いてみせますわ!!

……。 きょ 今日は 星の巡りが悪いですわね……。 また日を改めてくださいまし。

After Summoning

English Transcription Japanese Transcription

What a coincidence meeting you here. Coincidence...or was it pre-ordained?

Speaking of destiny, how is your knowledge of desserts?

I... Well, La Vie En Rose brought out this new fruit tart, I wanted to hear your thoughts on it...

あら……奇遇ですわね。 それとも これが魔界の運命……。

そういえばあなた スイーツは 詳しいのかしら?

いえ……最近 ラヴィアンローズの フルーツタルトが……。 ……あなたに相談しても仕方ないわね。

After Character Quest 1

English Transcription Japanese Transcription

Well met, O Time-Traveling Knight, and your retainers, too. What business have you with the Dark Princess today?

You need not say a word, I see it all in your eyes. You have need of my power, do you not?

I knew this day would come, ever since I decided to seal my soul away to be reincarnated in this age...

The Netherworld has ears everywhere. Simply reach out with your feelings, and you can summon me to your side anytime.

あら……時空を超えし騎士と その従者達よ…… この闇のプリンセスに 何か用?

ふふふ……言わずとも わかるわ。 このわたくしの力が 必要なの でしょう?

はるか 太古に堕天し 魔界へと 堕ちた精霊の 生まれ変わりである わたくしの力が 必要なら……。

いつでも 魔界に念じることです。 あなたたちの念が届けば わたくしも 召喚に応じますわ!

After Character Quest 2

English Transcription Japanese Transcription

You're not underestimating my dark arts, are you? That would be very foolish.

Though I'll admit, in this incarnation I have yet to unleash the full extent of my power. The world is safer that way.

But I can feel the seal weakening... Heh heh heh... When it finally breaks, we are going to have so much fun!

あなた……わたくしの力を あなどっているのではなくて?

たしかに わたくしの真の力は 現世に転生した あの日から ずっと封印されていますが……

やがて 封印が解ける時がくるわ! ふふふ その日を楽しみに していることね!

After Character Quest 3

English Transcription Japanese Transcription

Hey, you guys...

I find it baffling that you'd ever want to leave me on the bench, now my true power has been released and all.

But I'm not offended! I see your intent, clear as day.

One day, the final battle will come. You want me as a secret weapon for that climactic showdown, right? Right?!

... If you ever need me, just give me a call, okay? I'm happy to help out.

For that is my duty as Dark Princess of the Netherworld!


ふっ……封じられし力を 解放した このわたくしを 連れていかないとは なかなか面白い趣向ですわね。

ええ ええ! みなまで言わずとも わかってますわ!

来るべき 決戦のため…… 最強の戦力である わたくしを 温存しておきたいのですね?

……。 あなた達のピンチなら いつでも 駆けつけるから…… 必要なら呼びなさい。

それが 闇のプリンセスの 責務ですもの!