
From Another Eden Wiki

Dialogue with Audio

Story / Summon Cutscene

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio


English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio

Limit Break

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio


English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio
- Not available
- Not available


English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio


English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio

Enemy Encounter

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio

Enemy Encounter (Horror)

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio

Healing and Being Healed

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio

Finish Off an Enemy

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio


English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio

Valor Chants

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio


English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio

Close Win

English Transcription English Audio Japanese Audio

Dialogue without Audio


Before Summoning

English Transcription Japanese Transcription

Hello there. Doesn't the sunshine feel heavenly on your skin? It's so soothing...

Oh, you're not here to nap in the sun? What a shame, some company would have been nice.

You should give it a try sometime. I guarantee you won't regret it.

あら〜 皆さんも 日向ぼっこに いらしたんですか〜?

え〜 違います? お昼寝仲間が できると思ったのに 残念です〜。

機会があったら 一緒に ぽかぽかしましょうね〜。

After Summoning

English Transcription Japanese Transcription
(Before Story Chapter 13)

Is everyone feeling good today?

I still have to check in here from time to time for my military duties, but it's nothing that can't wait if you need my help.

Count on me for everything from fighting monsters to weeding flowerbeds!

(After Story Chapter 13)

Hello, hello! It's great to see you're all okay.

I know things look bad, but it's important to give yourself time to relax now more than ever.

If we work together, the castle will be good as new in no time at all!

(Before Story Chapter 13)


普段は ここで遊撃隊の仕事を してますけど〜 何かあったら 気軽に呼んでくださいね〜。

草むしりから 魔物との戦いまで 何でもござれ ですよ〜!

(After Story Chapter 13)

あら〜 皆さん ご無事で何よりです〜。

非常時では ありますけど こんなときこそ ゆったり構えましょうね〜。

みんなで力を合わせれば お城も すぐに元どおりです〜!

After Character Quest 1

English Transcription Japanese Transcription

You want to know about my flag? My buddies in the order say it's a lucky flag.

I'm glad it makes them happy, and it's been useful to me, too.

If I ever get lost, I just throw it down on the road and it points to the way home.

私の旗ですか〜? 皆さんには 幸運を呼ぶ旗と 呼ばれてますね〜。

でも実際 よく助けてもらってますよ〜。

道で迷ったときに えいっと倒せば 必ず正解の道を 教えてくれますから〜。

After Character Quest 2

English Transcription Japanese Transcription

Lord Lakhesis is a generous kind of guy, huh?

I'm sure I didn't do anything impressive enough to earn a medal.

But "The Sunny Knight" is a pretty cool title!

Just hearing it makes me want to lie down and bask in the sun. Mmm, this is so relaxing...

ラキシス様も 太っ腹な方ですね〜。

大したことは 何もしてないのに 勲章を くださるなんて〜。

それに 陽だまりの騎士というのは 素敵です〜。

その言葉を聞いただけで ほんわか 日向ぼっこの気持ちに なりますから〜。