Nameless Girl

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All Hidden Bosses

Unlocked during the end of Main Story Part 1: The Cat Beyond Time and Space, although you will need to completion 1000 Another Dungeons before you can finally fight her


Rank Name Requirement Reward
Gold Rank Badge.pngSophie's Thank-you LetterLearn the truth of the nameless girlGem.png x50

Spacetime Rift (Lv.90)[1][2] [3]

Spacetime Rift
Change.png to image to stats
90  Levels 
Hidden Boss
Resistance.png Overrides:
  • Nullify
  • Absorb
  • Normal 

Skills: Nameless Girl (Hidden Boss)

Turn 0: Another Force is disabled
1 -
Skill Type 4 0.png Blunt 
Non-type blunt attack on a single enemy
2 -
Skill Type 4 0.png Blunt 
Non-type blunt attack on a single enemy
3 Hard BaneReduces all enemies' HP to 1
4 Void Wave
Skill Type 8 0.png Null 
Non-type type magic attack on all enemies
- Absolution1450 unmitigable damage on all enemies
Turns 4-15: Uses all moves listed above in random order
Another force is enabled and fully charged.
Turns 16-19: Weakness to everything.
16-19 Agony
Nameless Girl hesitates.
Skill Type 8 0.png Null 
Non-type type magic attack on all enemies
Damage is very low
20+ Certain Fate99999 unmitigable damage on a single enemy


  • This fight is not that difficult, but is a bit tricky. Note that it is one of the earliest Superboss fights (optional challenges) in the game, providing a gentle introduction to doing more than merely spamming AF with strong skills - here you have to pay attention to things like timing.
  • If you simply wait until turn 16, AF will be re-enabled and fully charged, plus she becomes weak to everything. Now get busy, b/c if you don't kill her by turn 20, you'll die!
  • Skills that not only do damage but keep AF going longer can be very useful, e.g. Joker's Triple Burst, and Skull's Brawler triples the AF combo multiplier if he is in Lunatic mode.
    • Optional tip for Lunatic users: you can enter Lunatic while inside AF, even without much pianoing, e.g. by placing those characters first in your line-up and hitting the Lunatic button first, then moving on to engage with your regular sequence of buffs and debuffs and attacks.


1st Conversation[edit]

English Transcription Japanese Transcription

Nameless Girl: Oh, it' Uh... Aldo, right?

Aldo: Huh? How do you know my name?

Nameless Girl: Hm, I wonder. I've known you would come here for a very long time...I think.

Aldo: You're kind of a strange one... Who are you, anyway?

Nameless Girl: Me? I am one who charts the course the dimensions traverse.

That's all I know. Everything else, even my own past, is a little fuzzy.

Aldo: You lost your memory? Gosh, that's gonna make things more difficult... Do you remember your name, at least?

Nameless Girl: My name... No, not even that.

Aldo: Huh... Do you have any idea how you ended up here?

Nameless Girl: An idea... I do have one dim memory. Actually, it's more of a single image.

Everything around me is dim, barely lit at all, and I have the sensation of swaying lightly back and forth.

Where could that be? A world without light... A cradle that knows no morning nor night...

So dark, so cold, so quiet it makes me want to cry...

It's no good. I can't remember...

Aldo: That's too bad. I wish we had some clue where to start...

Nameless Girl: Would you take a look around on the other side of this door for me, then?

Aldo: This thing? It's just a door standing on its own. How can it lead anywhere?

Nameless Girl: Apparently, this door appeared when I came here... But that's about all I know.

My memory and this door may be linked by some shared fate...

Aldo: It's worth a try, I guess. Does that mean we've got your permission to pass?

Just leave the rest to us!

Nameless Girl: あら…… あなたは……。 そう アルドというのね。

Aldo: え!? どうしてオレの名前を?

Nameless Girl: なぜかしら。でも あなたが来るって ずっと前から 知っていたような 気がするわ。

Aldo: なんだか 変わったやつだな……。 で キミは誰なんだ?

Nameless Girl: わたし? わたしは……次元の水先案内人。

わかるのはそれだけ。 ここに来る前のことは よく覚えていないの。

Aldo: 記憶喪失ってやつか? だとしたら 大変だなぁ……。 名前とかもわからないのか?

Nameless Girl: 私の名前? ……そうね。 わからないわ。

Aldo: "そうか……何か手がかりに なりそうなこととか ないのか?

Nameless Girl: 手がかり……。 少しだけ覚えている 記憶があるわ。 記憶というか 景色というか……。

うすぼんやりした場所……。 その中を ゆっくりと たゆたっていたの。

あそこは どこだったのかしら。 私はどうして あそこにいたのかしら? 朝と夜のない揺り籠……。

暗くて 冷たくて 泣きそうになるくらい 静かで……。

ダメ。これ以上は 思い出せないわ。

Aldo: そうか……。 何か手助け出来れば いいんだけど……。

Nameless Girl: じゃあ この扉の中を 調べてきてくれない?

Aldo: この扉か? 一体なんなんだコレ? 扉だけポツンと 立っているが……。

Nameless Girl: この扉は 私がここに来た時に 出来たみたい……。 それまでは 何もなかったって。

だからきっと この扉の先に 私の記憶の 手がかりがある……。

Aldo: なるほど…… よくわからないが この先を調べればいいんだな?

そういうことなら 任せてくれ!

2nd Conversation[edit]

English Transcription Japanese Transcription

Nameless Girl: Welcome back. How was the other side?

Aldo: What even was that?! It looked just like a place I'd seen before, but different somehow...

Nameless Girl: It would appear this door is connected to a different timeplane.

Aldo: Timeplane? Uh, never mind that. Did you remember anything?

Nameless Girl: Yes... It's still fuzzy, but I do feel like I've recovered a lost memory.

Aldo: "That's great! What is it?

Nameless Girl: Well, I remember searching for some kind of light...

If I can find this light, or what it represents, maybe I'll solve the mystery of why I'm here.

Even now I feel the pull of that light... Guiding me toward my purpose... My destiny...

It's no good. I can't remember.

Aldo: What a weird memory... It only raises more questions about who you are and where you came from.

Nameless Girl: I'm sure if we persevere we'll get closer to the truth, little by little.

Tell me if you ever feel like exploring the world beyond this door again."

Nameless Girl: あら おかえりなさい。 扉の中 どうだった?

Aldo: 一体なんなんだ? この中は。 行ったことあるはずの 場所なんだが どこか雰囲気が違うというか……。

Nameless Girl: それは この扉の先が 異なる時層の世界だからね。

Aldo: 時層……? まぁいいけど……。 で 何か思い出したか?

Nameless Girl: ええ…… うっすらとだけど 新しい記憶を思い出したわ……。

Aldo: おお! 良かったな! どんな記憶なんだ?

Nameless Girl: ええと…… 私はずっと 光を探していたの……。

その光を見つけた時 私は何かすべきことが あったはずなんだけど……。 なんだったかしら。

光に吸い寄せられて…… 私の中には ある目的が……。 それが私の運命……?

だめ……これ以上 思い出せないわ……。

Aldo: なんだか 漠然とした記憶だな……。 キミが何者なのか 余計に わからなくなるよ。

Nameless Girl: でも 少しずつ進めば いつかきっと 答えがわかるわ。

また扉の先の 世界を探索したら 私に会いにきて。

3rd Conversation[edit]

English Transcription Japanese Transcription

Nameless Girl: Welcome back. You've explored a lot of places now, huh?

Aldo: Yeah. I'm starting to get used to that other world.

Nameless Girl: That's good to hear. For my part, I have a new memory to share.

Aldo: "That's great! What is it?

Nameless Girl: This memory feels older than the others...

There are lots of people looking at me through a glass wall, but I can't move or get out...

Then, someone says I'm going to help stabilize the world by snuffing out the light...

Aldo: Someone?

Nameless Girl: One person, right in the middle of the crowd...

Who could it be? That's as far as this memory goes.

I'll tell you if I remember anything else. Just keep exploring the other world for now.

Nameless Girl: あら おかえりなさい。 だいぶ 探索が捗っているみたいね。

Aldo: ああ 段々この扉の世界にも 慣れてきたよ。

Nameless Girl: それはよかったわ。 私も 新しい記憶を 思い出したの……。

Aldo: おお! 良かったな! どんな記憶なんだ?

Nameless Girl: 多分……私の中では すごく古い記憶なんだけど……。

大勢のヒトが 私を見ていたわ。 私は 透明な壁の中に 閉じ込められて 動けなかった……。

そして あの人は こう言ったの。 ゆらぐ世界の楔として 君は光を消し去る者だと。

Aldo: あの人?

Nameless Girl: 大勢のヒトの中心にいた人……。

あれは……誰だったのかしら。 それはまだ思い出せない。

また 思い出したら話すわ。 扉の世界の探索を続けてちょうだい。

4th Conversation[edit]

English Transcription Japanese Transcription

Nameless Girl: I have a new memory to share with you.

Aldo: That's great! What is it?

Nameless Girl: I think this follows on from the last one.

There was a crowd of people looking at me, and one person in the middle of them, speaking.

It was...a man. The man who created me.

Aldo: You mean your father?

Nameless Girl: a way.

In the memory, he speaks to me.

He says the world is coming apart at the seams, that one little push could make the whole thing disappear.

He says it's the light that's causing this. If we can put out the light, our world will be safe.

And I'm the one who's going to do it...

Aldo: What kind of light did he mean?

Nameless Girl: Maybe I'll remember that a little later...

This memory feels...different from the ones I've recovered before. It scares me, Aldo.

When we find out the whole truth, you may regret helping me.

Are you sure you want to carry on?

Aldo: Of course. Whatever the truth is, we'll face it together.

Besides, you don't want to just be "The Nameless Girl" forever, do you?

Nameless Girl: I thought you would say that. Thank you... With you by my side, I'll find the courage to open my eyes.

You still have a lot of ground to cover in there, but don't rush it. Take your time and do it right.

Nameless Girl: ……新しい記憶が 戻ってきたわ。

Aldo: 良かったな! で どんな記憶なんだ?

Nameless Girl: 多分 これは前の記憶の続きね……。

大勢のヒトが私を見ていて…… そして中心にいたあの人……。

あの人は……あの男性は 私を産んだ人。

Aldo: お父さん……ってことか?

Nameless Girl: 多分……そうだと思う。

あの人は こう言っていた……。

この世界は ゆらいでいる。 一つの誤りで 消えてしまう 不確かな世界だと。

その原因は 光だって言ってた。 光を消せば この世界は確かなものになる。 あの人はそう言っていたわ。

そして私は 光を消し去る者だとも……。

Aldo: 光? 何かのたとえか?

Nameless Girl: たぶん……でも これ以上のことはまだ 思い出せない……。

それと……アルド。何か嫌な予感がするわ。 これより先は これまで得た記憶とは 違う気がする……。

もしかしたら 私は…… あなたも 後悔することになるかもしれない。


Aldo: ああ。真実がわからなければ 何もできないからな。

それに いつまでも名無しってわけには いかないだろ?

Nameless Girl: あなたなら そう言うと思ったわ。 うん……怖いけど そういうあなたになら 任せてもいいかな……。

これからは これまで以上に 扉の中を 調べなきゃいけないと思うけど…… ゆっくりでいいから……頑張ってね。

5th Conversation[edit]

English Transcription Japanese Transcription

Nameless Girl: Aldo...I remember now.

Aldo: Another new memory?

Nameless Girl: Yes. But just like I thought before... it's not a very good one.

Aldo: I still want to hear it, if that's okay with you.

Nameless Girl: Your determination is inspiring. I'll tell you everything.

I' artificial life form, created by that scientist who spoke about an unstable world...

I was created for a single purpose, a mission...

Aldo: A...mission?

Nameless Girl: My programming, my destiny, is to restabilize the world I came from.

That world is a place separate and removed from this one, I think.

I was given my mission to carry out in the event that the world took a turn for the worse...

And that mission is...

Aldo: ...

Nameless Girl: Nrgh... My head...

Aldo: Hey, are you all right?!

Nameless Girl: I...I'm fine...

I can't...remember any more...yet...

Aldo: Okay...

Nameless Girl: Are you going to keep exploring?

If you want to become stronger... If you want to know the truth... Don't can't stop...

But it's dangerous in there, you might never come back...

Please, be careful.

Nameless Girl: アルド……私 思い出したわ。

Aldo: 新しい記憶か……。

Nameless Girl: ええ……。でも前に警告したとおり…… 後悔するかもしれない。

Aldo: それでも……話してくれ。

Nameless Girl: 決意は揺るがないのね。 ええ……話すわ。

私は あの人……ゆらぐ世界の 科学者達に創られた人造生命……。

時が来たら 使命を全うするための 存在……。

Aldo: 使命?

Nameless Girl: プログラム……ゆらぐ世界を取り戻すという 運命に縛られた存在。 それが私なの。

私が産まれたあの世界……ゆらぐ世界は この世界とは違う可能性。

あの人は 可能性にゆらぐあの世界を 残すため 私に使命をプログラムした。


Aldo: ……。

Nameless Girl: うっ……頭が……痛い……。

Aldo: おい! 大丈夫か!

Nameless Girl: 大丈夫…… 私はへいきだから……。


Aldo: そうか……。

Nameless Girl: 扉の世界の探索を 続けるのね……?

あなたは強くなるために…… 真実を求めるために…… 止まらない……止まれないのね。

本当に 戻れなくなっても 私 知らないから……。


6th Conversation[edit]

English Transcription Japanese Transcription

Nameless Girl: My head!

Aldo: Hey, are you all right?!

Nameless Girl: I...I'll be okay...

This has been happening a lot lately...

Aldo, every time you explore the other world...something comes rushing into my head.

Aldo: You mean memories?

Nameless Girl: No, this is something different, something from deep inside me. I don't fully understand it myself.

The feeling gets stronger whenever I watch you go through the door...

What does this mean?

Aldo: ...

Nameless Girl: Whatever this feeling, this presence inside me is, I know I'm close.

Soon, the truth will be revealed. It all hinges on my final memory.

Listen carefully, Aldo.

Something bad is going to happen, I can feel it.

I don't want to end up hurting you...


Aldo: Hey, take it easy!

Nameless Girl: ...I'm fine. You don't need to worry about me.

But this may be the last time we meet. I feel certain something bad will occur when my memory fully returns.

Are you still willing to help me?

Aldo: Whatever the secret behind your memories is, I want to know.

And I don't think you want to live your life hiding from the truth, either.

Nameless Girl: I thought you would see things that way.

Don't say I didn't warn you...

Nameless Girl: 頭が……っ!

Aldo: おい! 大丈夫か!?

Nameless Girl: え ええ……大丈夫……。

最近は いつものことだから……。

アルド……あなたが扉の中を 調べるたび……私の中に 何かが流れ込んでくるわ。

Aldo: それは記憶のことか?

Nameless Girl: いいえ……私のもっと深い部分に……。 これに どんな意味があるか…… 今の私にはわからない……。

それでも あなたが扉の世界をめぐる度 私の中でどんどん大きくなっているの……。


Aldo: ……。

Nameless Girl: この存在が一体なんなのか わかりそうな気がするの……。

あとちょっと……あとちょっとで……。 きっとそれが最後の記憶……。


全ての記憶が戻った時…… きっと 何か良くないことが起こる。

このままだと いつか私 あなたを……。


Aldo: 無理をするな!

Nameless Girl: ……大丈夫。 私はへいきだから。

ともかく これが最後の警告よ。 きっと 次の記憶を取り戻した時 良くないことが起こる。

それでもあなたは 進むのね?

Aldo: どんな真実が待っていても それでも 前に進むしかない。

真実を見ないフリをして 生きていくことは 出来ないからな。

Nameless Girl: ええ……あなたならそう言うと 思っていた。


7th Conversation[edit]

English Transcription Japanese Transcription

Nameless Girl: The time has come. I knew you would find a way to make it this far.

Aldo: Are all your memories back now?

Nameless Girl: Yes, thanks to your unwavering dedication to help me in spite of the danger.

I am a temporal weapon sent here by the scientists of the Fragile Plane.

They implanted a single purpose into my programming.

My mission is to stabilize my native world by erasing the light of this world.

And that light...

...Is you, Aldo.

Aldo: ...

Nameless Girl: My world is one of the potential futures you saw and overwrote when you ascended the Tower of Time.

It was a time plane fated for destruction, clinging onto existence by a thread. Our scientists began calling it "The Fragile Plane."

One action—in this case, yours—would end everything, and it would be as if none of it had ever existed.

Knowing it could all end at any second, the people of the Fragile Plane despaired... Until the scientists hatched a plan.

They decided to remove the cause of their time plane's destruction. In other words: you.

When you used the Tower of Time to take back the lost future you knew...

...You became the hope, the light of this world. And I awakened to my mission.

Do you remember what happened then?

You fell into a wormhole and ended up here, in the Spacetime Rift.

I was sent rocketing through time to track you down and also found myself here.

Unfortunately, the shock of the journey scattered my memories into the world beyond the door.

Aldo: What's the story with this door, anyway?

Nameless Girl: It's a tool for gathering data.

Every battle you fought in the other world was recorded and analyzed.

That data was fed into my central processor to calculate the optimal battle strategy to use against you.

I'm just a mechanical assassin sent to eliminate you. That's my sole purpose.

Most of my circuitry is taken up with the algorithm for this mission.

There's no turning back.

You realize that, don't you?

Since the moment of my creation, you and I were meant to be enemies. I cannot escape my destiny.

I must destroy you.

I am just a weapon, after all...

I warned you...that you'd regret helping me.

I told you there was no going back...

I am...the savior of the Fragile Plane.

I am the one who will snuff out the light of this world!

Nameless Girl: ええ……わかっていたわ。 あなたなら たどり着いてしまうって こと……。

Aldo: 最後の記憶を……思い出したのか?

Nameless Girl: ええ……。どんなに警告しても 意志を曲げないあなただもの。 全部話すわ。

私は…… ゆらぐ世界の科学者たちが つくった 時空転移兵器……。

彼らは 私にある使命を プログラムした。

その使命は…… ゆらぐ世界の存続のために この世界の 光を消すこと。


光は あなたのことよ……アルド。

Aldo: ……。

Nameless Girl: ゆらぐ世界は……あなたが 時の塔で 世界を書き換えるまで 存在していた 可能性世界のこと……。

ある段階で 荒廃してしまった世界。 不確定な可能性に ゆらぐ世界…… 科学者たちはそう呼んでいた。

それは 時の記憶からいえば 一瞬 あったかないかの わずかなゆらぎかもしれない。

科学者たちは ゆらぐ世界で ひっそりと生き延び……世界に絶望した。 そして ある計画を立てた。

彼らは ゆらぐ世界が消滅する 原因……あなたを消し去ろうとしたの。

あなたが時の塔で 殺された未来を 救けた時……。

その時……あなたは この世界の光になり…… 私は光を消し去るために 覚醒した。


あなたは 時空の穴に落ち ここに……次元の狭間にたどり着いた。

時の河を超え あなたの元へと 向かっていた私は その時空転移に巻き込まれ……。

その衝撃で 私の記憶は この扉の向こうに 霧散してしまった……。

Aldo: この扉は……一体なんなんだ?

Nameless Girl: その扉は……情報収集装置よ。

対象……あなたがこの中で戦闘をする度に 私の中に 戦闘データが集積する。

集積されたデータは 私の中枢素子に 蓄えられ 戦闘アルゴリズムを構築する……。

私を……あなた専用の キリングマシーンに 育て上げるために……。

私の回路はもう あなたを消去するための アルゴリズムで その大半を 埋め尽くされてしまった。



私は産まれたときから あなたを 消す運命にある存在。

運命からは 逃れられない……。

私はあなたを 消し去るしかない……。





この世界の光である…… あなたを 消去する者!!

Battle Dialogue[edit]

Turn Dialogue
0 I awakened when you accessed the main computer in the Tower of Time and took back your lost future.

My battle algorithms have been refined time and again based on how you've fought in the world beyond door.

I'm machine created to destroy you. An assassin sent from an alternate time plane, that's all I am.

I know how you fight and can predict your movements with near perfect accuracy.

The power of yours to stop time...

I'm sealing it right now!
1 You must really like exploring the other world.

So far, you've been through this door [#] times.

Are you seeking strength? Honor? Or is it something else that motivates you?
2 I've seen every battle you've fought. All the data is at my disposal.

How will you deal with an attack like this?
3 I know you better than you know yourself.

I am destined to defeat you.

I have to choice but to fight against you.
4 I have to defeat you. It's in my programing.
5 My programming isn't something that can be resisted. I must fight, I must win. It's my destiny.
6 I have to...
7 I know everything there is to know about you.

The chances of you winning this battle is a mere 0.00000001%.
8 Knowing this...why... Why do you still fight?
9 You cannot escape destiny...
10 You can' has to be this way...
11 ...
12 Why did you look beyond the door?
13 Why did you help me recover my memories?

If all you wanted was to get stronger, you could have just fought at random.

You could have ignored me...
You should have ignored me...
14 Why?

Just give up...

There is no way...
15 We can't...



Stop me...

Please, stop me...
20 It's no good... I can't hold myself back...

8th Conversation[edit]

English Transcription Japanese Transcription

Nameless Girl: Programming, destiny, call it what you will. I cannot resist it. This is how I was made..."

Aldo: Don't say that. I believe you can change your destiny. You're more than just a pile of nuts and bolts. You have a choice in this.

Nameless Girl: You're still trying to help me...even now...

Apparently my creators didn't factor in the possibility that I would lose to you.

I no longer feel the same urges... My mission has disappeared.

From now on, I'll have to live my own life, find my own purpose...

To be honest, that's a little scary...

This must be what it's like to be human.

Maybe I'll understand what that truly means someday?

Aldo: I'm sure you will.

What are you gonna do now?

Nameless Girl: I still want to save my own world somehow...

I owe that much to the man that built and programmed me.

I'll just find a way that doesn't involve hurting you.

But, even if I do save the Fragile Plane, the world may still be destroyed in 2000 AD by a large-scale temporal disaster.

My creator predicted this future based on his other research. He said it was inevitable.

Although, the gravitational waves he was examining defied accurate analysis...

Now that I think about it... That's around the same time he started to become obsessed with his project to make me.

"Maybe the fact that I still want to save that time plane means there is more to me than the sum of my parts.

This isn't my mission or my destiny, but the result of my own will and my own aspirations.",

Aldo: I see...

Nameless Girl: I have a long road ahead of me...

Maybe I'm just phrasing things like a fairy tale to make it easier on myself. But...I am a dreamer.

I know I'll find what I'm looking for someday.

I hope we can still be friends, Aldo.

Aldo: You bet!

Nameless Girl: I'm...Sophie.

Aldo: Huh?

Sophie: I remembered my name. Well, technically it's the codename of the project that created me...

But I can't just be "The Nameless Girl" forever, right?",

Aldo: Right. Sophie... It suits you.

Sophie: Thanks.


This is...strange.

I thought I was back to square one.

But I feel like the future is bright!

Nameless Girl: ……プログラムから……運命からは 逃れることが出来ない……。 私はそのように造られている……。

Aldo: 違うだろ? きっと運命は変えられる。 プログラムが全てじゃない。 選ぶのは キミ自身なんだから。

Nameless Girl: ……優しいのね。あなた。

あなたに負けることは 計画になかったみたいね……。

この先のプログラムは…… 使命は……もうないわ。

……これからは 自分で 考えていくしかないのね……。


少しわかった気がする あなたのこと。

その考えを 私も自分のものに 出来るときがくるかしら……?

Aldo: ああ。きっとくるさ。


Nameless Girl: 私を産んでくれたあの人を 救ける方法を 探してみる……。

私にプログラムを 仕込んだのは あの人だけど……私を創ってくれたのも あの人だから。

だからと言って………あなたを責める気は ないわ……アルド。

どのみち ゆらぐ世界は あの後…… AD2000年付近で世界が消失するの。 大規模なタイム・ディザスターによってね。

あの人は……その未来を 観測して それを 避けられぬ運命だって 言っていた……。

強力な重力嵐で……きっちりとは観測 できなかったみたいだけど。",

思えば……あの人が 私を使った この計画に 狂ったように注力し始めたのも その頃からだった……。

それに…… あなたの殺された未来を救けるという意志は 私のそれと 変わりはないもの。

世界は……運命なんかじゃなくて 意志の集積によって 成り立っているって 今ならわかるから。

Aldo: そうか……。

Nameless Girl: 私には私の旅があるのね……。

それは都合のいい おとぎ話かも しれないけど……。


いつか……きっと その方法を見つけるから。

その時まで よろしくね。アルド。

Aldo: ああ……これからもよろしくな。

Nameless Girl: ……ソフィよ。

Aldo: え?

Sophie: 名前 思い出したの。 正式には名前というより 私を開発する プロジェクトのコード名だけど……。

いつまでも 名無しじゃ困るでしょ?

Aldo: なるほど。ソフィか。 うん……似合ってるよ。

Sophie: ありがとう。





  1. Enemy Stats: Detect Stats Skills
  2. Elemental Weak/Resist/Null/Absorb/Default: Stress Test
  3. Enemy stats research before V2.13.500 by @starry☆sky google doc